Mini-ITX Mainboard Manual
ECP Mode DMA Channel
This item allows you to select parallel port ECP DMA.
Options: DMA3 (Default) / DMA0 / DMA1
Parallel Port IRQ
This item allows you to select the IRQ for the onboard parallel port.
Options: IRQ7 (Default) / IRQ5
Restore on AC Power Loss
This setting specifies how your system should behave after a power fail or interrupts
occurs. There are two main situations:
(1) If the “Hardware Power Loss Recovery” header setting is at “Enabled” (AT
mode), this BIOS setting item will be hidden
(2) If the “Hardware Power Loss Recovery” header setting is at “Disabled” (ATX
mode), this BIOS setting item will show three options:
Power Off (Default): Leaving the system in power-off status after power recovers.
Power ON: Powering on the system immediately when power returns.
Last State: 1. Leaving the system in power-off when AC switch if the system
shuts down at DC off status.
2. Powering on the system immediately when AC switch if the system
shuts down at DC on status.
Watch Dog Degree
This item allows you to determine the functional degree of Watch Dog.
Opitons: Second (Default) / Minute
Watch Dog Timer
Opitons: 0 for disabled (Default) / Min=1, Max=65536