Every 6 months
biOrb Air Stone
in the base of the aquarium will eventually
become blocked by calcification restricting
the flow of bubbles into the aquarium. The
Air Stone should be replaced as shown.
after 12 months
biOrb Air Pump
could become noisy and the flow of
bubbles reduced even after changing the
Air Stone. Replace the Air Pump
immediately to avoid water quality problems.
green water
in aquariums is caused by algae growth. Some algae
is natural, but if the water quickly turns green it may be caused by
over feeding, too much light, too many fish or high levels of nitrate
and phosphate in the tap water. First reduce feeding and seek advice
from our website at www.biorb.com. A
biOrb No Algae Kit
can be
purchased but if the problem persists it may be necessary to move
the aquarium away from too much natural light.
cleaning the aquarium
requires care
to prevent scratching. Never use household
detergents, polishes or scouring pads to
clean the aquarium. Always use a
Cleaning Pad
. The outside of the aquarium
can be wiped with a soft cloth or purchase
biOrb Acrylic Polish
Remover & Polish kit
Every week
to reduce the risk of pollution and cloudiness we recommend
the use of the
biOrb Water Optimiser
. Follow the instructions on the bottle.
Every 4 to 6 weeks
replacement of the dirty filter cartridge and a 30%
water change is essential to reduce nitrate and phosphate pollution in the
water. The
biOrb Service Kit
contains a new filter cartridge, water chemicals,
cleaning pad and instructions. A
biOrb Cleaner Pump
(not supplied) is a
convenient way to remove debris and siphon out the water. After setting up the
aquarium never use tap water to clean the ceramic media, this will kill the
bacteria and eliminate the biological filtration.
checking the one way valve
is working correctly. Disconnect the
airline from the air pump (
) lower the airline to below the aquarium water line
). If water leaks into the airline, fit a new
biOrb One Way Valve
by cutting the
air line and inserting the valve into the ends of the airline (
) observing the
correct orientation to ensure air flow.
Caring for your aquarium
general maintenance
accessories for your biorb
There are many accessories available
aQuarium task FrEQuEncy
HALO 15 (15L/4GAL) Add Water Optimiser
Replace Filter/water change
6 weeks
Check/replace Airstone
6 months
Check Air Pump
12 months
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