Biolan Stone Composter
The Biolan Stone Composter is a
thermally insulated Finnish com-
poster, for garden, domestic and
toilet waste. The Stone Compost-
er is extremely robust and weath-
erproof. Its hinged cover makes
daily use easier. Volume about
450 litres.
Dimensions 95 x 114 x 95 cm
(d x w x h).
Product number red granit 5731, grey granit 5732
Biolan Garden Composter
The Biolan Garden Composter is intended for the compost-
ing of garden and toilet waste. Its volume is about 900 litres.
A bottom basket of aluminium, to prevent rodents from en-
tering the composter, is available as an option. Colour green.
Dimensions 106 x 154 x 92 cm (d x w x h). Dimensions of the
bottom basket 107 x 154 x
4 cm (d x w x h).
Product no. 5720
Biolan accessories
Biolan Compost and Toilet Bulking Material
Biolan Compost and Toilet Bulking Material
is a blend made of pure, dried and ground
conifer bark and peat for composting and dry
toilets. Compost and Toilet Bulking Material
gives the compost an airy structure, which
ensures effective and odourless compost-
ing. Packing size 40 litres.
Product no. 5621
Biolan Compostmixer
The Compostmixer is an excellent tool for managing the com-
post. Using the Compostmixer, the compost can be mixed up
easily and without straining the back. The Biolan Compostmixer
is made of resilient glass fibre-reinforced polypropylene, so it nei
ther corrodes nor oxidizes even over time.
Product no. 5752
Correctly used, the compost makes an excellent soil conditioner,
but if used incorrectly, it may even be harmful to plants. Compost
soil changes and develops constantly. It shall be used in a differ-
ent manner in different stages of its development. Typically com-
post soil is divided into two different groups based on its maturity:
We speak either about cover soil or mature compost soil.
4.1 Cover soil
The compost emptied from the Biolan Composter is usually in the
cover soil, i.e. in the cooling phase (see paragraph What hap-
pens in the composter?) The decomposing has reached a level
where food waste has already decomposed. The harder wood
material, eggshells and citrus fruit peels are not yet completely
decomposed. Therefore, the cover soil has quite a rough look.
4.2 Using cover soil
The cover soil is excellent used as soil conditioner. The nutrients
stimulate the activity of micro-organisms, and the humus it con-
tains improves the water balance of the soil. A suitable thickness
for the layer to be applied is about 2–5 cm.
As the definition ”cover soil” implies, during the growing season
cover soil is applied as cover on the ground surface and around
the roots of perennial plants and bushes.
In autumn the cover soil can be moulded lightly in the soil. For the
winter the compost undergoing the cover soil phase, and to be
used in spring, shall be transferred into a composter with a cover
or protected by some other means to avoid rainwater flushing
away the nutrients.
4. Using the compost in the garden
After composting, toilet waste can be spread either on orna-
mental plants or on a vegetable plot. If the compost is to be
used on a vegetable plot, we recommend post-composting it
for a year after treatment in the Biolan Composter so as to
ensure it is guaranteed hygienic.
4.3 Maturing cover soil to compost soil
If the cover soil is post-composted, it will mature into proper com-
post soil. Post-composting can be done for example using a pile
or a composter that is not insulated, because the compost soil
will not heat up any longer. It is advisable to use a composter
with a cover, such as e.g. the Biolan Garden Composter (product
no. 5720) or the Biolan Stone Composter (product nos. 5731 and
5732) to avoid rainwater flushing away the water-soluble nutri
ents. In a couple of months, the compost matures into compost
soil of a dark-brown colour and aggregate structure, from which
source substances, except for bigger wood splinters, can no
longer be distinguished.
4.4 Using mature compost soil
The fertilizing qualities of the compost soil depend on the raw
material consistency of the compost soil. Compost created of do-
mestic waste has in general a better nutritive value than compost
based on garden waste. Many garden plants, however, require
more quick-acting fertilizers to grow rapidly. For this reason the
compost should be "spiced-up" with the rich-in-nitrogen Biolan
Natural Fertilizer Grains.
Plain compost mould makes not a good growing medium, it shall
be mixed with at least 1/3–1/2 of mineral soil, such as for exam-
ple sand, silt, loam or clay.