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Basic knowledge:
There are roughly 3,500 different species
of mosquitoes worldwide and about 100 different species in
Europe. The perceived biting pressure is influenced by the
combination of mosquito species present, the weather du-
ring and before the mosquito season, particular events such
as floods, and from local conditions (distance to breeding
areas and/or resting areas of mosquitoes).
In addition, it is not only mosquitoes that cause annoyance
from bites. Other bloodsucking insects such as biting mid-
ges, horse and deer flies, and black flies can all play a role
in causing irritation and distress to humans in various rural
Performance range:
The BG-Mosquitaire CO
attracts mos-
quitoes within a 10 to 20 meter distance. It does not attract
mosquitoes outside of this area into your yard. The area in
which a Biogents trap reduces the mosquito population,
however, can be much larger than this range of up to 20 me-
ters, because mosquitoes will systematically explore their
surroundings. It is just a matter of time before an exploring
mosquito from further away enters the range of the trap and
is caught.
Influencing factors:
The reduction of the biting pressure by
the BG-Mosquitaire CO
trap depends on various factors.
1. The relationship between the size of the local mosquito
population and the number of new mosquitoes that fly
in daily. This depends on:
• the species of mosquitoes in the area
occurrence of flooding events where millions of mos
quitoes hatch simultaneously and fly long distances
• the distance to the breeding areas of the mosquitoes
• the number of eggs laid by each female
• the distance to the resting areas of the mosquitoes.
2. The number and size of the areas that mosquitoes could
use to access your property. If there are several access
areas, several Biogents traps may be required.
Trap operation:
Seasonal approach :
• Since certain mosquito species respond particularly
well to a high output of CO
begin operating the trap
as early as possible on the low level for CO
tion (please see section ‘Positioning the trap: When
and Where?’).
• Increase the amount of CO
if the biting pressure in-
• Analyse your property to determine the best position
for the trap and experiment with different locations to
determine the best. Note that the quality of the trap
location can change with changes in wind direction.
Maintenance and care:
A vacuum cleaner with a full bag or clogged filter does not
function properly anymore. This also applies for the BG-
Mosquitaire CO
trap. Therefore, regularly check that
• the catch bag and funnel net are not clogged with
pollen, dirt, or dust.
• the catch bag is not too full. A halfway full catch
bag relates to tens of thousands of mosquitoes and
should be emptied.
• the catch bag is not damaged or torn.
• there is still pressure in the CO
gas cylinder.
• the white gauze covering is still white! The white and
black contrast is an important part of the catching
technology of the Biogents trap, and aids in attracting
mosquitoes to the intake funnel.
• the BG-Sweetscent is replaced every eight weeks.
Successful Mosquito Control