The torso straps can also be crisscrossed over the chest by sliding
one strap through the slot of the cervical pad on the second strap.
This is generally the most comfortable strap arrangement for most
patients. The torso straps can also be used independently on each
side. In either case, each strap is guided through the D-Ring on the
appropriate side near the base of the back attachment frame and
doubled back to be secured via the Velcro® patches. Slide the shoul-
der pads up or down the strap to position for patient comfort.
Because different body types require different torso strap angles for
maximal patient comfort, the straps may be positioned above or below the
strap peg located where the straps are secured to the back attachment frame.
It is also acceptable to wrap the strap around the frame itself in order to
accommodate large body types.
13. Provide speed to the dynamometer. Manually assist patient through
range of motion while still in Setup mode to determine if axis of
rotation is properly set.
Instruct patient to maintain proper posture, or support patient
manually, while in Setup mode or during mode changes. When changing
modes, place patient in flexion with manual assist (if necessary) to reduce
possibility of undesired movement into extension from gravitational effects.
Always secure the support arm when turning mode switch on controller
past Setup mode.
14. Set ROM Limits 1 and 2 in Setup mode. Set Percent Range dials 1
and 2 if required by patient protocol.
15. Proceed to the desired test/exercise mode. Select "Lumbar" as the
joint to be tested and "semi-standing" as the test pattern (refer to
your Advantage Software Operations Manual.) The system is now
ready for patient testing or exercise.
Use the Back Ex/Flex goniometer to establish anatomical reference.
Flexion is "towards," extension is "away." Begin the test/exercise with the
patient in the flexed position. The initial movement is extension (away.)