Communication Possibilities
HHR can send Transponder Number and DT stamp according to frames defined in
HEADER Section. The interfaces that are possible to use are:
For RS232 and BlueTooth piggy-back modules are necessary. For sending data
over USB no external hardware is necessary but please keep in mind that the
device to which HHR will be connected must have USB Host(not every PDA has
UBS Host despite fact that it has USB.)
HHR will send transponder number and DT stamp according to frame structure
defined in HEADER if user use one of following functions:
For details of connection between PC and HHR with BT please refer to Appendix
If using USB interface, you must use HyperTerminal or similar software for
capturing messages send by HHR. To connect to HHR you must know the Virtual
Com Port Number(VCP), which HHR is using, to check it please right click on “My
Computer” and select “Properties”.
Next please go bookmark named “Hardware”, please select “Device Driver” button.
Please find and select “Ports (COM and LPT)” , click to '+' icon and find there
BioControl HHR Reader, Com port number will be in quotation marks. Please use
this com port number for configuration of HyperTerminal.
For assistance with handling HyperTerminal please refer to Appendix D.
The settings for VCP are: Speed - 115200, Data bits - 8, Parity - None,
Stop bit - 1, Handshaking - None.
If you are using RS232 interface please use HyperTerminal or similar to it software,
the default settings for configuration of port are the same as for USB. It can be
changed with SetRS functions.
D01B2.4 HHR 3000 PRO Manual
To enable sending transponder number and DT stamp with HHR you must put
BT_true in HEADER Section