birth, etc. should not be chosen as passwords.
• The password should contain at least one character that is not a letter (special character
or number).
• The password should be at least 8 characters long.
• Change your password regularly, e.g. every 90 days.
2.6 Software Update
The range of functions of bintec elmeg devices is continuously being extended. These ex-
tensions are made available to you by bintec elmeg GmbH free of charge. Checking for
new software versions and the installation of updates can be carried out easily with the
GUI. An existing internet connection is needed for an automatic update.
Proceed as follows:
Go to the Maintenance->Software &Configuration menu.
Under Action select
! " #$
and, under Source Location
% #$ # !
Confirm with Start.
The device will now connect to the bintec elmeg GmbH download server and check wheth-
er an updated version of the system software is available. If so, your device will be updated
automatically. When installation of the new software is complete, you will be invited to re-
start the device.
After confirming with Go, the update cannot be aborted. If an error occurs during the
update, do not re-start the device and contact support.
bintec elmeg GmbH
2 Basic configuration
W2022ac, W2022ac-ext