In this part sheet, the words
are used to emphasize important safety information as follows:
hazards or unsafe practices which could
result in minor personal injury, product
or property damage.
hazards or unsafe practices which could
result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
important installation, operation or
maintenance information.
Read the following warnings before using this equipment.
Read The MaNual
Before operating finishing equipment, read and
understand all safety, operation and maintenance
information provided in the operation manual.
PluRal CoMPoNeNT MaTeRialS hazaRd
Because of the vast number of chemicals that could
be used and their varying chemical reactions, the
buyer and user of this equipment must determine
all facts relating to the materials used, including
any of the potential hazards involved.
NoiSe hazaRd
You may be injured by loud noise. Hearing
protection may be required when using this
FiRe aNd exPloSioN hazaRd
Improper equipment grounding, poor ventilation,
open flame or sparks can cause hazardous
conditions and result in fire or explosion and
serious injury.
PiNCh PoiNT hazaRd
Moving parts can crush and cut. Pinch points are
basically any areas where there are moving parts.
kNoW WheRe aNd hoW To ShuT oFF The
equiPMeNT iN CaSe oF aN eMeRGeNCy
PReSSuRe RelieF PRoCeduRe
Always follow the pressure relief procedure in the
equipment instruction manual.
WeaR SaFeTy GlaSSeS
Failure to wear safety glasses with side shields
could result in serious eye injury or blindness.
de-eNeRGize, dePReSSuRize, diSCoNNeCT
aNd loCk ouT all PoWeR SouRCeS duRiNG
Failure to De-energize, disconnect and lock out
all power supplies before performing equipment
maintenance could cause serious injury or death.
All personnel must be trained before operating
finishing equipment.
equiPMeNT MiSuSe hazaRd
Equipment misuse can cause the equip ment to
rupture, malfunction, or start unexpectedly and
result in serious injury.
keeP equiPMeNT GuaRdS iN PlaCe
Do not operate the equipment if the safety
devices have been removed.
hiGh PReSSuRe CoNSideRaTioN
High pressure can cause serious injury. Relieve all
pressure before servicing. Spray from the spray
gun, hose leaks, or ruptured components can
inject fluid into your body and cause extremely
serious injury.
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known
to the State of California to cause cancer and
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
FoR FuRTheR SaFeTy iNFoRMaTioN ReGaRdiNG BiNkS aNd deVilBiSS equiPMeNT,
See The GeNeRal equiPMeNT SaFeTy BookleT (77-5300).
iT iS The ReSPoNSiBiliTy oF The eMPloyeR To PRoVide ThiS iNFoRMaTioN To The oPeRaToR oF The equiPMeNT.
Summary of Contents for 7N
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