The VRF-1000 will begin operating when powered up. Once properly installed in the application, it
should be calibrated when material is below the probe. If the automatic calibration feature is turned ON,
the unit will self calibrate to the current conditions, assuming that there is no material on the probe. If
there is material present, and the automatic calibration is ON, the unit will automatically recalibrate when
material level drops below the probe.
If the unit is powered on a bench prior to installation, or moved from one installation to another,
recalibration is required. Momentarily press the calibration push button. See Figure 4.1 for location.
The green calibration indication LED will turn OFF, then after 1 second will illuminate, to indicate that
calibration is complete. If the green LED is flashing, the unit is not properly calibrated. Check all ground
connections and retry.