Cut fillet or tenderloin into 4 pieces, put them into the steaming
basket, add 1 tablespoon of oregano. Steam for 15 minutes. Add
salt and pepper. In a pan boil dairy cream with remaining oregano,
salt and pepper. Serve hot with the sauce.
Chicken breasts a la Mediterranean
4 servings
4 chicken breasts
½ onion
160 g mushrooms
200 g frozen spinach
50 g soft cheese
3 tablespoons olive oil
Chop ½ of the onion and brown in olive oil. Add 160 g of mush-
rooms and fry for another 2-3 minutes. Add spinach and seasonings.
Cook until the mixture becomes very tender. Make cuts in the chicken
breasts, fill them with the prepared filling and add slices of cheese.
Wrap each breast with foil and steam for another 15-20 minutes. Serve
Chicken liver Soufflé
4 servings
150 g chicken liver
1 clove garlic
2 whole eggs and 2 yolks
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
175 g sour cream
Salt, pepper to taste
Peel and chop garlic. Put chicken liver and garlic into a food pro-
cessor or blender and mix until smooth and well combined. Add eggs,
sour cream, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. Put the resulting mix-
ture into the rice bowl and cover it with aluminum foil. Place into the
steaming basket and cook for 25-30 minutes. Serve chilled.
Carp in champignon sauce
2 servings
500 g chilled fillet of carp
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 onion
200 g champignons
200 g dairy cream
½ tablespoon flour
Herbs and seasonings to taste
Steam the mushrooms then chop and brown them in olive oil to-
gether with finely chopped onion. Cut the carp fillet into pieces put
them into a steaming basket in one layer and top with herbs. Steam
for 12-15 minutes. Pour the cooking juices from the drip tray into a
small pan and add the dairy cream, flour, mushrooms with onion and
seasonings, mix thoroughly and bring to the boil. When serving, pour
prepared sauce on carp fillet.
you may prepare the dish with any other firm fleshed
Prawns with garlic, red pepper and onion
4 servings