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May 2022 Version 1.0
Carry the Solo unit and any tools and accessories to the top of the bin in a manner that allows both hands free
to safely climb the bin.
1. Place the Solo unit on the bin with the antenna fin end of the enclosure closest to the ground. The sensor
link cable should point towards the ground to prevent water from running towards the enclosure. The
magnetic feet will hold the unit in place on the bin.
2. Connect the sensor link cable to the sensing cable(s) installed in the bin. A terminal box or splitter is
required to connect more than one sensing cable to the sensor link cable.
Note: Solo units can read a maximum of four cables with up to 12 sensors each.
3. Open the four latch clips and remove the lid from the Solo unit.
4. Remove the
“Remove before use”
tab(s) from the battery clip(s). Solo LTE-M has one battery tab, Solo 4G/
3G (SK) has two battery tabs.
5. Watch the status LED and verify it has turned solid green to confirm the Solo unit is connected to a cell
tower and Bin-Sense servers. See the LED diagnostics section for more details.
6. Use the mobile app to verify that the Solo unit is properly sending data to the Bin-Sense App and that all the
connected cables are detected properly.
Solo units are designed to run for five years on one set of batteries.
Use only Lithium AA batteries in Solo units
(Lithium/Iron Disulfide). Other battery types may prevent Solo units
from operating normally. When replacing batteries in a Solo unit, completely remove all depleted batteries
before installing any new batteries.
Figure 3: Bin-Sense Solo Unit Placement