Bimmer Jakes FRONT HEADLIGHT LENS COVER Replacement Manual Download Page 3

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3 Removing the old cover

Do this step carefully and check twice to avoid damage  

of lights.

4 Parabolas protection

The process continues with dismounting the parabolas 


or covering them, to avoid the damage during further oper-

ations. The best way to cover parabolas is by using bubble 

foil and adhesive tape. It might be a problem to dismount  

the parabolas for some types of lights, so covering them  

is often the better option

5 Cleaning the gripping grove

Next step is to clean the gripping grove. The first type of seal


ant is relatively easy to clean, but it is quite difficult to clean 

the second type. The best way how to remove the second type 

is to cut it on the sides by using knife blade and the undercut 

the gripping edge by using chisel (6 mm). Dishwasher deter


gent also might be useful. Dishwasher detergent decrease ad-

hesion of materials and unlike others chemical agents is not 

detrimental to health. The gripping grove has to be cleaned 

carefully so it fits to the bottom properly (same like the origi


nal one). This is the most difficult part of the process.

6 Removing grease

Following step is to degrease clean gripping grove by using al-

cohol cleaner. Alcohol cleaner unlike others aggressive clean-

ers will not damage the plastic parts.

7 Cleaning the new cover

The space around the headlight is often full of dirt and re-

mains of materials after the process of dismounting. 


The best way how to clean this space throughly is to use the 

vacuum cleaner. The suitable vacuum cleaner is available  

on The use of wet napkins is also  

an option, but it is necessary to avoid the chrome parts,  

wich could be damaged by napkins.  It is also required to turn 

the light up side down and shake it to spill out remaining dirt. 

Do not forget to clean also the back side of every part. The 

perfect cleaning process is necessary for succesful result.

Subsequently control the new cover if it is clean. The protec-

tive foil must cover the whole area of the cover until whole 

process is done, to avoid damage.

