3. Connecting the Billion 7800NXL to your
devices using wireless
In the previous section you have configured the wireless connection for your modem.
Please use your Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID) and Pre Shared Key (Password) to
connect to any wireless compatible devices you have.
How to connect to your Windows computer
In Windows, click on the Network icon located at the bottom right hand
corner of your screen as shown below. This will provide you with a list of
available wireless networks in your range
Look for the default Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID) in your wireless networks
list. The default Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID) is wlan-ap. If, in the previous
section you have chosen your own SSID, this name will be shown in the list
instead. Once you have selected the right connection, click Connect to
continue. You may want to also tick the box to connect automatically, so that
you will automatically connect to this Wi-Fi access point when you are within
Enter the Security Key or Pre Shared Key and click OK, Connect, or Next to