Billion BiPAC 7402R2 ADSL2+ VPN Firewall Router
Chapter 4: Configuration
DHCP Table
The DHCP assigned IP addresses information.
IP Address:
A list of IP addresses of devices on your LAN (Local Area Network).
The expired IP addresses information.
The fixed host mapping information
Leased Table
IP Address:
The IP address that assigned to client.
MAC Address:
The MAC address of client.
Client Host Name:
The Host Name (Computer Name) of client.
The current lease time of client.
Expired Table
Please refer the
Leased Table
Permanent Table
The name you assigned to the Permanent configuration.
IP Address:
The fixed IP address for the specify client.
MAC Address:
The MAC Address that you want to assign the fixed IP address
Maximum Lease Time:
The maximum lease time interval you allow to clients