Chapter 4
If the router is not functioning properly, you can refer first to this chapter for simple
troubleshooting before contacting your service provider. This could save you time and effort but if
the symptoms persist, then consult your service provider.
How to do a factory reset?
If for any reason, you have to reset this device to factory default settings, be careful that the
current settings will be lost and the settings are reset back to it’s default state. The factory
default values is detailed in
3.2 ‘‘Factory Default Settings
To reset to factory default settings, go to the Web configuration
window. Enter
Factory Setting
, and then click
to begin the process.
Why do I get IP conflict information in my computer?
When you see the message box prompted for IP address conflict in your computer, it could be
caused by rebooting the router or by two or more workstations occupying the same IP address.
Please run the “
” utility to release all current configuration first, and then renew all if
your computer is set to get an IP address automatically. The router will assign a new IP address
to your computer if DHCP server is enabled in the router. Furthermore, please double check
each workstation’s IP address from duplicate IP. The “winipcfg.exe” is used for Win95, 98, and
ME. For WinNT,2000 and XP, please enter “ipconfig.exe”.