Your network is constantly evolving as you integrate more business applications and
consolidate servers. In that environment, it is becoming extremely complex to maintain
total security at the edge while users being employees or Teleworkers on the go are
working with customers and partners. You need to get access to those applications and
servers quickly, easily and securely.
BiGuard VPN Client is an on demand IPSec VPN Client, compliant with Billion BiGuard
series VPN enabled devices. Ideal for remote users and Teleworkers requiring access to
the company network.
Network Topology
In this example, we will connect BiGuard VPN Client to the LAN behind the Billion BiGuard
series VPN enabled routers. The VPN Client is connected to the Internet by a DSL/dialup
connection from an ISP or through a LAN. The client will have a virtual IP address in the remote
LAN. All the addressed in this document are given for example purpose,