4. Mounting the saddle and seatpost
fig. 1
fig. 3
fig. 2
The saddle of your new bike is alrea-
dy pre-mounted on the seatpost. The
pre-assembled saddle / support combi-
nation is part of the package as a separa-
te component.
Loosen the clamping screw on the seat
tube of the frame.
(fig. 1-2)
Push the seatpost into the seat tube of the frame. The seatpost can be freely positio-
ned there.
For metal seatposts and frames, it is advisable to lubricate the post with some
assembly grease. For carbon seatposts or frames, carbon assembly paste
should be used.
fig. 4
Adjust the seat height to the right height for you. As a rough guideline for the correct
seat height (in the case of remote seatposts, in the extended state), the upper edge
of your hip bone should be in line with the saddle when you are stood next to the
(fig. 4)
The exact seat height can only be determined after the pedals are mounted. To do this, sit on the saddle of the new bike. If your
heel is positioned on the pedal at 6 o‘ clock, your leg should be stretched straight.
Mounting the saddle & seatpost