Marlin, Klipper and RRF (429 variant) all support the Octopus Pro. You can compile and
configure you firmware variant of choice according to the methods specified by the
developers of that firmware. In time, configuration files for different firmware distributions
will be made available on the
. Covering how to compile firmware using
VSCode is beyond the scope of this manual however there is an abundance of information
online which explains how to set up VSCode on your machine and how to configure Marlin
thereafter. Good places to start are provided for your convenience in the links below:
Once you have either compiled your own version of Marlin or downloaded a pre-compiled
version, you can install it by following the steps below:
1. Make sure that the firmware binary is
named “firmware.bin”. Any other name will be
rejected by the bootloader.
2. Use an SD card that has been formatted using the SD formatter tool here:
3. Copy the firmware binary file to the SD card.
4. Insert the SD card into the motherboard and reset it.
5. Remove the SD card and check that the file has changed name to
“FIRMWARE.CUR”. This will confirm that the firmware was successfully installed.
If you are using Klipper then please ensure that you have the following settings enabled for
the 446 variant. Take careful note of the crystal oscillator frequency which is 12MHz and
differs from the 429 variant.