631 285 2298
Step 4:
Installing the
Your Big Cat ® Electric Bicycle Comes with two (2)
Aluminum Pedals
, each pedal is
labeled with the correct side which it needs to be installed.
(L) Left is fastened Counter-Clockwise (R) Right is
fastened Clockwise
Step 5:
Adjusting your seat. Always remember to make sure your quick release hub is locked into place before riding.
( ignore if you do not have quick release hub )
Never Set Your Seat Post Above the recommended Point
Step 6:
Inflate tires to desired or recommended
as noted on the sidewall of the tires. ( typically 30psi )
NOTE: Once your unit is assembled, power the unit on by pressing the power button on the battery and then pressing the power
button on the LCD controller. Once the unit is fully powered on, follow these steps:
• press and hold the up and down buttons until double digits appear and are flashing
• scroll through the the options that are given ( 20,24,26,70) SELECT 26 - this is the tire size and will give more accurate results
• to use the throttle make sure the pedal “ASSIST” level is one level 1 or higher - if it is on level 1 and the bar is flashing, your
throttle will be disabled. Another way to enable and disable the throttle is the red button located under the throttle.
• Once the LCD unit is on, pressing the “light” button will power the LED light
• If you have an L.E.D model, Skip the first step. Note that with the L.E.D model you will only have 3 levels of pedal assist. When
the pedal assist is on either Low, Medium or High your throttle will be disabled. Scroll through until the lights are off on the pedal
assist function to enable the throttle.