Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN 575 Rev. 4
July 2020
Operation and Use
Section 3: Operation and Use
Manual Override for RPD Double-Acting Pneumatic Actuator
Actuator manual emergency operation is performed by rotating one of the two jackscrews
by a wrench or by a handwheel (available on request).
In standard configuration operating the screw mounted in the cylinder end flange results
in valve opening while operating the screw mounted in the housing side wall results in the
valve closing.
To achieve a required manual manoeuvre, prior to operate the proper jackscrew, the
opposite one must be backed off. A lever manual override is available only for small models.
Special handwheel with disengagement system are available on demand.
Figure 7
Figure 8
Declutching manual
handwheel override
(refer to Section 7.2,
Figure 19, Table 11)