background image




Make sure that the ColorMouse is placed on some text and then switch it on by pressing the large blue button 

Simply plug the power adaptor into an electrical outlet and connect the cable to the ColorMouse cable 


Plug the RCA connector into the Video jack (usually the yellow one) on your television (usually on the front or at the side) 



Switch your television on and select the channel marked AV or Video 


Sit comfortably and enjoy reading 




*Setup the ColorMouse-RM the same as the ColorMouse shown above. 

To change from white text on black background to color mode, press the small round button at the back of the ColorMouse-RM 
(near the cable). Press again to switch to enhanced black on white, and once again to get back to white text on black background. 



White Text 


Color Mode 


Enhanced B&W 


White Text 






*Setup the ColorMouse-RM-Zoom the same as the ColorMouse shown above.  


Note: Some people find the MD mode, when used as white text on black background, to be more comfortable for reading.  
To change from color to another mode, press the center button on the top of the product. Press again to switch to the next mode, 
and once again as required. 

To zoom in and make text larger, press the button on the right. To zoom out and make text smaller, press the button on the left.  



White Text 


Enhanced B&W 




Color Mode 


Color Mode 





*Setup the ColorMouse-Zoom the same as the ColorMouse shown above.  


To freeze or hold an image, press the button at the top center between the two zoom buttons. Press again to release. 

To zoom in and make text larger, press the button on the right. To zoom out and make text smaller, press the button on the left. 

