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Treadmill have three user program can setting by the user except the P1-P12 Fixed program
1. The setting of the user program
At the standby state, press the ‘PROGRAM’ button to select the’ U1’,’U2’,’U3’, and word ’USER” display.
press ‘mode’ button enter program parameters,then can set the first period . press the
‘SPEED+’,’SPEED-’ to set the speed, press the ‘’,’INCLINE-’ to set the incline ,press the
‘MODE’ button to finish the settings of the first period and enter the second. Set up like this untill you
finished the 20 period. The setup parameters will keep forever untill you reset them . And the data
would not lost because of the lost of power.
2. The start of the users
At the standby state, Continue press the ‘PROGRAM’ button until the ‘U01’,’U02’,’U03’, and finished
the setup. Press the ‘START’ button to start the treadmill. The treadmill will running as the setup
3. Introduction of the users setup
Each user divide the time into 120 period, Must finished the set up of the time ,the speed and the
incline in the 10 period that you can start the treadmill.
1. At the stop state ,press’prog’button to select the ‘FAT’(body fat test mode)
2. Press ‘mode’button enter body fat test , set the parameter (F-1--sex
F-5-physical testing),Then press the ‘
button can ajust the setting
value(F-1---F-4);F-5 display”——“,get into the set of the set the parameter(F-1--sex
) . All parameter is setting well,then Press the ‘
button again ,Upon grasp the
hand pulse with both hands for 5-6 seconds the heart rate window will display your body mass
3. Enter in to body fat test function,first display window display “F-1”, F-1—sex;setting window display
01;,press “speed+/-“ button to adjust the data, 01-male 01(male),02(female)
4. Press the “MODE” button to the next turn, entering “F-2”,F-2—age; setting window display
25(years),press “speed+/-“ button to adjust the data.the age range :10-99(years)
5. Press the “MODE” button again, entering “F-3”,F-3—height
setting window display 170(cm);press
“speed+/-“ button to adjust the data.the height range :100-200cm
6. Press the “MODE” button again, entering “F-4”,F-4—weight
setting window display 70(kgs);press
“speed+/-“ button to adjust the data.the weight range:20-150kgs
7. Press the “MODE” button again,entering”F-5”, when the speed window display “---” you have enter into
the body fat test procedure . Grasp the hand pulse with both hand
the setting window will display the
body fat data with 8 second.
8. Base Asian standard . Ideal FAT should be between 20 to 25,if less than 19 means too thin,if between
25 and 29 is overweight,if beyond 30 are considered obese(The data is just for reference, can not
be a medicial data)