BG Corp 2005
Construction Principles and Preparation for Installation of
Radia Series Loudspeakers
1. General recommended layout of the front speakers is shown on
Fig.1. R-800 installation height should be chosen so that the height of the R-
800 center point H is equal or several inches higher than the ear level at
listening position. In most cases this would be about 40” (1m). Distance
between left and right speakers D should be equal or close to the distance
from listening position to center channel speaker/screen.
2. In most cases, the center channel speaker R-400C should be installed right
under the screen. Make sure that the top tweeter is oriented directly above or
below the screen (see indicator at the back of the speaker).
3. Allow for a minimum of 2.5 cubic feet for the rear cavity behind the
loudspeakers for optimum performance. A good rule of thumb is to use an
enclosure/stud cavity no smaller than a standard 2 x 4 stud-bay with 16” on-
centers and 8 feet tall. If you plan installing speakers in dedicated cabinets,
prepare it with at least this enclosure size in mind. Enclosures of greater
depth, such as based on 2” x 6” studs, can also be used as long as it is filled
with fiberglass.
4. Sealing holes and joints whenever possible will also enhance low frequency
5. Utilizing an open-cell 1-mm thick compressible gasket strip (included) under
the lip of the mounting flange is necessary to avoid air leaks and resulting
6. Always fill the entire enclosure with slightly compressed fibrous material as
would be found normally in a loudspeaker enclosure (Fiberglass insulation,
Dacron, Miraflex, etc.).
7. In order to reduce wall vibration for the installation, a shear surface is
recommended beneath the drywall. R-Series loudspeakers are relatively
heavy and are capable of producing high sound pressure levels. A 1/4” or 3/8”
plywood, MDF (or particleboard) sub surface would act as that shear-wall with
a loudspeaker cutout will also enhance the system’s performance. Use flexible
adhesive between two panels to provide an additional layer dampening for the