communication. In private call mode, allowance prompt sounds only when the
target private call two-way radio is powered on and connection can be effectively
Volume offset
Set the volume offset value of a prompt tone. Setting of this feature will result in
the volume of the prompt tone higher or lower than or equal to audio volume
controlled by the volume knob.
RX battery low prompt interval (s)
When the two-way radio receives a call or is unoccupied, if it reaches the battery
low threshold, you will hear a battery low prompt tone. RX battery low prompt tone
sounds an alarm in a set interval to prompt a user to charge it. Allowable range is
from 0 to 635 s.
Signaling System
The signaling system can be ignored.
Key Definitions
Duration of long press (ms)
Set the duration of pressing and holding a key when the key is seen as a
long-press key, ranging from 250 to 3750 ms. The key sounds a prompt tone after
pressing takes effective and it also sounds a prompt tone after timeout.
Key Functions
1. All prompt tones ON/OFF: enable a user to enable or disable all prompt tones.
Battery capacity prompt: when the capacity is lower than the set value, the
two-way radio gives voice prompt.
3. Emergency mode ON/OFF: enable a user to establish or terminate an
emergency call.
4. High/low power: enable a user to switch between high power and low power.
5. Monitor: enable a user to enable or disable monitor function. A user can enable
the monitor function to monitor the channel. In digital mode, a user can only
check if there is any activity before transmission, but not to ongoing actual voice
or data communication.
6. Permanent monitor: it has the same function as that of monitor (only for a
handset), i.e. allowing a user to monitor the channel to ensure that there is no
activity before transmission. The difference is that once permanent monitor is