Installation guide - beyertone
multiLAN Ver. 3
Configuration Ports LINE
By programming holiday dates you can also determine each one individual
announcement memory location per holiday and port to be played back (see Section
7.3). These will be handled with priority towards holiday announcements programmed
according to this section.
5.3 Script programming
Via the ‘Scripts‘ screen up to 100 different scripts can be programmed, by which the call
handling for LINE
ports with interface ‘analogue’ can be determined. As a next step,
these scripts can be assigned to the LINE ports for each operating mode as described
in chapter 5.2. In the simplest case a script determines, which announcement memory
location shall be played back and to which number the call shall be transferred after the
The scope of functions of the scripts is determined by the activated licences in
the unit. Without any optional licence, only
‘Call transfer‘ at the end of the
announcement (‘EOM‘) can be operated to get a typical ABA functionality. Regarding
the activation of optional features by licence codes, please also see chapter 9.4.
By default, some scripts are pre-programmed when the unit is shipped. Of course, you
can change these programming as per your needs. To configure a script, select the
desired script number and
click ‘configure‘. Depending on the licences activated, you
can now program the script functions as follows (see also the screenshot on the next
but one page):