Installation guide - beyertone
multiLAN Ver. 3
5.2 Configuring LINE ports (announcements)
Via the screens „Ports / LINE1“ (and „LINE2“ / „LINE3“ - if extension module is installed)
the announcement ports of the beyertone multiLAN are being configured (see also
screenshot below).
In the top area of the screens first select the interface function which shall be operated
on the regarding ports. Please also note the different port connections as described in
section 2.2. After that, adjust the desired playback volume of each announcement port.
When running the port as analogue interface, also determine, after how many rings
signals of the PABX the incoming call shall be answered with the announcement by the
multiLAN unit.
In addition, you can take notes about the name you give to each announcement port
and to which analogue port number of the PBX (if so) it is being connected. Name and
number are only for your information.
In the bottom part of these screens you can - independently for each announcement
port - define a list of announcement files that will be played back for each operating
mode of the unit (see Section 7). When analogue interface is selected, you can define,
which script will be opened when a call comes on this LINE (see chapter 5.3).
All interfaces except ‘analogue’: Per port and per operation mode (Day / Break /
Night / Holiday - see Section 7) up to 5 announcement memory locations can be
selected, which will be played back in sequence.
To do so
, first select the announcement position number, then click ‘edit’. Now you
can select each one of the announcement memory locations from the list. After that,
you will be taken back to the announcements configuration page.
To delete a memory location from the list, click ‘delete’ after selecting the number.
The memory location itself will not deleted, however.
Interface ‘analogue’: Define here per port and per operation mode (Day / Break /
Night / Holiday - see Section 7), which script shall be started. Before that, program
the scripts needed including memory locations and functions (like call forwarding) as
described in chapter 5.3.
Technical information about the different interface types:
Start Criteria ► Acknowledgement
a/b (default)
Start by ring voltage
Loop current during announcement
Start by permanent contact ► Open pulses at announcement’s begin/end
Start by permanent contact ► Close pulses at announcement’s begin/end
Start by pulse contact ► Close pulses at announcement’s begin/end
Start by pulse contact ► Permanent contact during announcement