BEVS Industrial Co., Ltd
Website: www.bevsinfo.com Email: [email protected] Tel: +86 20 22197699
Thank you very much for using BEVS products! Please keep this manual in case you need it! If the device needs to
be transferred, please forward the relevant information to the other party! Buttons, functions, and options not
described in this manual are not considered to be available. Do not use them.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a
commitment by BEVS Industrial Co., Ltd. It is not responsible for any errors that may occur in this manual.
Readers are also welcome to feedback errors that may appear in the manual.
Except as expressly stated in this manual, nothing in this manual should be construed as a guarantee by BEVS of
personal loss, property damage, or specific suitability. BEVS is not responsible for accidental or consequential
damages resulting from the use of this manual and the products described therein.
Reproduction of this manual and any part thereof is strictly prohibited without the written permission of BEVS,
and no content may be disclosed to third parties or used for any unauthorized purpose. Violation of these terms
will result in prosecution.