Tip: If you keep the START/STOP/RESET and SELECT buttons
pressed for more than 2 seconds, then the relevant setting counts
forwards or backwards automatically until you let the button go.
Setting the stride length for walking and running
An important presetting for the distance and running speed function is
to enter your individual stride length as accurately as possible.
1. Run or walk a distance where you know the exact length (refer-
ence distance). For example the 100 meter track in the athletics
2. Count the paces you require for it.
3. Divide the reference distance by the number of paces, and you will
get the stride length (e.g. 100 m / 125 paces = 0.8 m = 80 cm).
4. Record this value in the Stride length menu for walking or running,
depending on the relevant type of pace.
If you change the type of pace during training, then this has an effect
on the accuracy of the speed and distance recordings.
Setting the sensitivity of the sensor for pace counting
To achieve an optimum result, the sensitivity of the sensor should be
individually set for the user. Five sensitivity levels can be selected
here (1=Low sensitivity, 5=High sensitivity). To get the optimal setting,
we recommend test runs before the first training. The slower your
running speed, the higher you should select the sensitivity level.
Using the monitor when jogging/walking
Walk or run a distance in your training speed (at least 50 paces). Do
not change your normal running arm movements. Compare the
counted paces with the pace display of the HR monitor, see Chapter
“Display training data”. If the monitor does not display enough paces,
then you have to increase the sensitivity of the sensor. If too many
paces are displayed, then reduce the sensitivity. Once you have ad-