NOTE: This information relating to Altitude pertains to calibration/compensa-
tion and adjustments of Depth readings and calculations of NDLs. It does
not affect Altitude levels appearing on operating displays.
Atmospheric (barometric) Pressure decreases as Altitude increases above sea level. Weather sys-
tems and ambient temperature also affect barometric pressures. Consequently, Depth reading in-
struments that do not compensate for the decrease in pressure indicate Depth readings shallower
than the Depth they are actually at.
The DIP automatically compensates for decreased ambient pressure when activated at high Alti-
tudes up to 4,270 meters (14,000 feet).
The DIP senses ambient pressure when it is manually activated, every 15 minutes while it is oper-
ating on the surface, or every 30 minutes when it is not activated. At an Altitude of 916 meters
(3,001 feet), it will automatically recalibrate itself to measure Depth in meters (feet) of fresh water
rather than feet of sea water. It will then readjust the calibration at additional intervals of 305
meters (1,000 feet). Therefore, when returning to lower Altitudes, diving should not be conducted
until the unit automatically resets to operate at the new lower Altitude level.
WARNING: The MDG will not sense ambient pressures or provide Altitude
Compensation when it is wet. DO NOT dive at any different Altitude until the
unit shuts Off and is reactivated at the new Altitude level. If the unit is acti-
vated at elevations higher than 4,270 meters (14,000 feet), it will perform a Di-
agnostic check followed by immediate shutdown.