Better Edge Backup v5.2
User Guide
Copyright © 2008, Better Edge Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Page 30 of 121
(September 16, 2008)
three encryption algorithms available:
Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm
[DESede] Triple DES algorithm
Twofish algorithm
We recommend the use of AES as it has been chosen as the encryption standard for
commercial use. Please refer to references on Cryptography for more information
about encryption algorithms.
Encryption Mode
It defines the encrypting mode used to encrypt your backup files. There are two
encryption modes available:
Electronic Cook Book Mode
Cipher Block Chaining Mode
We recommend the use of CBC mode as it offers better security. Please refer to
references on Cryptography for more information about encryption modes.
Encrypting Key
The key used to encrypt all files within a backup set.
Please write it down on
paper and keep it in a safe place. If the key is lost, you will not be able to
recover your files from the encrypted backup files.
5.12 Retention Policy
During backup, if Better Edge Backup finds that you have deleted a file (or updated a file) on your computer, it
will put the corresponding deleted (or updated) file already backed up on the backup server into a retention area.
The retention policy setting defines how long files inside the retention area will be kept on the backup server
before they are deleted automatically from the server.
Retention policy will only affect “retained” file (i.e. files that have already been deleted or updated on your
computer and thus are moved to the retention area of the backup server). For those files that have not been
updated on your computer, the backup of these files is kept in the data area on the backup server and won’t be
affected by the setting of retention policy. These backup files of unchanged files will stay on the backup server
forever until the original files are removed (or updated) from your computer.
Standard Retention Policy
The [Standard] retention policy allows you to delete retained files automatically after a user defined number of
days or after a user defined number of backup Jobs. To change the retention policy setting of any backup set,
please select the [Retention Policy] node on the left panel. You can then make changes to your retention policy
under the [Retention Policy] section. After you have made your changes, just press the [Save Setting] button on
the toolbar.