Rev. D 0711
54722 pg. 9
Supertop NX Installation Instructions
Secure Front of Quarter Window
Roll the plastic strip along the front of the Quarter
Window into the channel in the Door Rail.
Secure Quarter Window
Close the zipper and slip the plastic along the
bottom of the Quarter Window into the channel on
the vehicle.
Fasten the hook and loop strip above the window to
the top.
Fasten Hook
and Loop
Roll Plastic
into Channel
To Fold the Top Down
Remove Quarter Panels and
Rear Window
Release the front of the top from the windshield.
Raise the front of the deck and collapse the rear
bows, tucking the two plastic strips above the door
openings and the stay pad on the rear bow inside
of the bows, Wrap the fabric around the bows.
Tuck plastic
strips inside
Tuck stay
pad inside
bows and
fold toward
Wrap fabric
around bows
To Fold the Top Down
Collapse Top
Remove the Quarter Panels and the Rear Window.
To remove the Quarter Windows, unzip the rear and
top zippers. Release the plastic strip from the retainer.
Release the Hook and Loop Fasteners from around
the Vertical Retainer.
To roll up the Rear Window, remove the Tailgate Bar
and open the zippers on each side of the window to
the top. Start at the bottom and roll the window to the
inside. Avoid wrinkles in the fabric and window. Secure
it in place with the elastic garters inside of the top.
When operating the
vehicle without the
Quarter Windows, the
Rear Window should be rolled up and secured with
the elastic garters for proper ventilation.