BESTip ATA 11L User Manual
Dial your destination number as you normally do from your
touch-tone phone.
For Domestic Long-Distance Calls
[DDD prefix code] + [Area code] + [Telephone number] + #
For International Calls
[IDD prefix code] + [Country code] + [Area code] + [Telephone
number] + #
Hold the handset and wait for the connection.
Once your receiving party picks up the phone, you can enjoy
the communication.
Hang up the phone once the conversation is done
: When you call a regular phone via the FXO port of your
BESTip, please press
to cut the connection if the receiver
does not answer the call. After you hear the disconncetion
tones eg. dududu…, you can continue dialing or hang up the
Once the conversation is complete, the receiver should hang up
the handset first. After hearing the disconnection tones eg.
dududu…, you (the caller) can hang up the phone. However, if
you do not want to wait the receiver to hang up the phone, just
. After hearing the disconnection tones eg. dududu…,
you can continue dialing or hang up the handset.
To Make Calls Through FXO Port of ATA 11L
1. Please follow the dialing sequence below for calling any real
phone number through the land line connected to ATA 11L from
the other BESTip device (if there’s no outward password setup).
[ATA 11L FXO device ID#] +
+ [Phone Number] + #
Suppose your ATA 11L device ID# is 63001234 (FXS) &
63001235 (FXO), so someone can dial from his BESTip device
by dialing "
" to ring someone's phone
BESTip ATA 11L User Manual
Or you can dial FXO ID# firstly from your BESTip device. ATA
11L will answer the call and give you the dial tone. So you can
make call via the landline connected to FXO port of 11L.
If you setup the outward password on device, you will hear a
short “Beep-Beep” tone that ask you to enter the password.
Enter the password with “#” to sign in. If the password is correct,
you will hear a dial tone. Otherwise, you willl hear short
“Beep-Beep” tone again.
2. Suppose you want to call to other BESTip device or
international number through the landline connected to your
ATA 11L.
2.1 Please call the land line number connected to your ATA 11L
by using any land line or mobile phone.
2.2 ATA 11L will answer the call and give dial tone (if there’s no
inward password setup). Then, you can follow the dialing
sequesce below to make phone calls.
For Other BESTip Device
Dial the eight-digit device ID number
For Domestic Long-Distance Calls
[DDD prefix code] + [Area code + Telephone number] + #
For International Calls
[IDD prefix code] + [Country code + Area code + Telephone
number] + #
Remark: Please be advised the FXO port of ATA-11L, is
protected by "trustee list" feature enabled by default. The
trustee list feature will protect your landline that connected with
ATA-11L FXO port from unauthorized access at remote end. So,
you need to setup it at our ITSP web site (
Please contact our reseller to setup the feature or ask for
password to login ITSP platform to configure it.