Click date format setting, then choose the time format you want to show on Bestable.
Note: If you use the time internet provided, you will not able to set the date, time and time zone.
4.15 Assistance Function
Large size
Click it to make system font large size
Install webpage script
It will allow you install webpage scrip when you open system,, but it will increase the risk when you are
browsing webpage.
4.16 Engineer Selection
Keep awaken state
If you open keep awaken state, it wll never auto sleep when your Bestable is charging.
Pointer Location
If you open pointer location, it will display touch vertical and horizontal direction.
Show touches
If you open display touch screen operation, it will display touch opeation on the screen. It is suggested to
use with same direction as pointer location.
Show screen update
If you open screen refresh, it will display related area when the area is refreshing.
Show CPU usage
After open CUP usage, in the right top of Bestable will show CPU usage situation.
4.17 About Tablet
Check Bestable state
about tablet
, check
state message, model, Android version, version No
and so on.