Chinese Reference
4 Chinese Traditional Cultures are provided: Commonly
Used Epigraphs, A Hundred Surnames, Three-characters
Scripture and Standards for being a Good Student and Child.
Ex. Standards for being a Good Student and Child.
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Press [1 注释] / [2 译文] /[4 章节] for corresponding info.
to read out the paragraph.
Highlight a word to cross check it in dictionary, or
copy/paste it for further search.
There are World Time, Timer, Stop Watch and Calendar.
World Time: Display Time and Date, allow for setting.
Timer: Count down for a set period.
Stop Watch: Start time counting from 00:00.
Calendar: Provide Solar & Lunar Calendar from year 1910
to 2099.
System Setting
Auto Power Off: To save battery power, the unit will turn
off itself automatically whenever it’s not in used for a
certain period. The default setting is 5 minutes.
Contract: Adjust the LCD Contrast to get best view.
Battery: To check the leftover battery power.
Volume: To set the voice volume and speed. You may
on the keyboard for the same setting.
Pen Lifting: You may set your favorite Pen Lifting time for
handwriting recognition.
Backlight: The default setting is backlight turning on. You
may press
on the keyboard to turn it on/off manually.