Step 19 Set Roof Trusses and Soffit Blocks
Set roof trusses. Secure trusses to metal hangers with 6d common nails.
Install short 2x4 blocks in front of each truss. Secure 2x4 blocks to the soffit panel
using (2) two 1-1/2" long exterior screws.
Install a 2x4 block at each end of the soffit, flush with the 2x4 gable frame.
Step 20 Install Siding Filler
Install small primed siding fillers, packed with the hardware,
over the 2x4 soffit blocks. Siding fillers will be flush with
the gable siding. Use 6d galv. nails.
Siding Filler
2x4 Blocks
Block Flush with Gable 2x4