BEST ACCESS SYSTEMS Keypad EZ Remote Unlock Installation Instructions Download Page 2

Installation Instructions for Keypad EZ Remote Unlock


Pulling wire to lock


a Product Group of Stanley Security Solutions, Inc


Test remote unlock switch

Complete this test after the Keypad EZ Lock is completely 

Press and release the momentary switch.

The green light flashes and the locking mechanism 
unlocks. Then, after the programmed unlock duration 
(default is 3 seconds), the locking mechanism relocks.


You do NOT need to keep holding the switch 

button down to keep the lock unlocked. 

The remote unlock switch will not operate if:

the deadbolt is thrown

the battery is in the alarm state.

Momentary switch and wiring requirements:

Max wire run

500 feet

Min switch voltage

5 volts

Min switch current

1 mA

Min wire gauge

26 AWG

Max switch bounce

50 mSec

Using a three to four foot drill bit, drill a 3/8


channel, through the edge of the door, to or from the 
center of the nearest hinge preparation.


For exit hardware trim installations, drill the 

channel from the hinge to the harness hole and feed 
the wires through that hole, making final connections 
inside the battery compartment.


Install electric hinge or 
door transfer loop

There are two standard ways to extend the momentary 
switch wires from the frame to the door:

Using an electric hinge, Stanley CECB179 or equiva-
lent. Contact your local BEST sales office for specific 
ordering information.

Using a BEST 8WDTL door transfer loop, or equivalent.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to properly install 
the electric hinge or door transfer loop. 


Finish lock installation and make 
remote unlock connections

At the point of making the motor and sensor connections, 
you need to also make the remote unlock connection.


The remote unlock connection wires are brown 

and are not terminated. Use wire nuts or crimp con-
nectors to make the remote unlock connections.

1  Cut the remote unlock wires to remove the epoxy seal-

ant. Strip the remote unlock wires and the wires from 
the remote unlock switch. See Figure 3.

2  Make the remote unlock connection. The wires are not 

polarized so it does not matter which wires are mated.

3  Install a momentary push-button switch at a conve-

nient but secure location.

4  Make the final wire connections to the switch.

 Figure 3

Making the remote unlock connection 
(cylindrical installation shown)

Battery connection

Remote unlock wires 
from the remote switch

Motor connection

Remote unlock wires 

© 2002–2009 Stanley Security Solutions, Inc

T80922/Rev A   1882733   ER-7991-12   Nov 2009
