No Diving or Jumping.
Observe all Safety Rules.
When you come to Section 3, Part A, insert the following extra Steps 2(f), (g) and (h) after Step 2(e):
2. Join the Ends of the Pool Wall
f. Before proceeding, make sure the pool liner is
completely installed and all of the slotted tubes
and connectors are in place.
g. At the top of each
, make sure the distance
between the ends of the slotted tubes on the top
edge of the wall is 4" (10 cm). Insert the plastic tube
(key A) into the
of the slotted tubes (key B) to
fill the 4" (10 cm) space. The plastic tubes are in-
in the spaces along the straight sides of
the pool where the buttresses are located,
around the round ends of the pool. Make sure the
plastic tubes are correctly installed or else when
you install the top plates later they will not fit prop-
h. Where there are no buttresses installed, the space between the
ends of the slotted tubes at the tops of the verticals should be about
1/2" (13 mm).
When you come to Section 3, Part A, insert the following extra Step 5(c) after Step 5(b):
5. Make a Cove
c. Along the sides of the pool,
each of the buttresses make
the wall scallop inward
slightly. The cove at the bot-
tom of the wall will be a little
narrower and shorter at these
points. Make sure the dimen-
sions of the cove where it
passes the buttresses match
diagram 20 for a correctly
shaped cove.
When you come to Section 3, Part B, replace Step 4(a) with the following:
4. Fasten the Liner in place (Beaded Liner only)
a. When installing the beaded liner retainer the ends must be at least
12" away from any buttress or it will be difficult to attach the top
plates later. The beaded liner retainer may need to be cut to com-
plete the installation.
make sure the segments of liner
retainer are put on the top edge of the wall.
b. Lift the sides of the liner and insert the beaded edge into the liner
retainer on the top edge of the pool wall.
4" (10 cm)
4" (10 cm)
3“ (7.5 cm)
3“ (7.5 cm)
4“ (10 cm)
4“ (10 cm)