Bertram 36' MOPPIE Operator'S Manual Download Page 76

Summary of Contents for 36' MOPPIE

Page 1: ...OWNERS MANUAL https www boat manuals com...

Page 2: ...1 o o MODELi 36 MOPPIB O OPERATOR S MANUAL https www boat manuals com...

Page 3: ...22 22 PropeU6rs Fuet Remainins In Tanks En_sine Room B lowen B il_u trd Sump Pumps 3 r9 3 t9 o 4 Equipment Location 4 20 4 20 4 21 l 21 4 l Ceneral Fue Sysrem Fresh Warer Sysrem Showcr Sump Sysrem B i...

Page 4: ...igarion and Ensinc Control SBdon Spcj l oJ lrncuveri o Coorrols Gcncnl Thronle Controls Fonr ard Neuo ai Rer esc Traosmission Conrol Boat Spe d Nlaneuvering Slow Speed Maneuvering Cruising Speed laneu...

Page 5: ...53 8 63 8 63 8 54 8 65 o o Fuel Filtering Fuel Frll Pon Fuel Gallonage Gauge Diesel Engir e Air Sysrem Airsep Frlters Egginc Lubri atir n S1 scm Engine Cooling Ccncnl Diesel Fresh ater and A oti free...

Page 6: ...budon Paoet D C Equipmenr Pror cdon Ba ry Disconnecr Swirches Bartery Paralleling Slsrem 8 65 8 65 8 66 8 66 8 66 9 61 8 67 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 8 68 o o 8 69 9 D C Etectrical System 9 72 8 69 8 70 9 7...

Page 7: ...2 88 l 88 Ceneral t Condensing Unirs Air Condirioning Control Seawater Cooling System Air Condidonhg Operarion 12 Toilet Head Sr stem Gcneral Toilet Systcm Op ration tnside U S Tcmtorial Wates Ouside...

Page 8: ...iooal General Operarion S wimming Plartbrm Searchlighr Oprional 5a igarir n And Runnin_s Lighs Bow Docking Li vhrs oprional Srceri ng Conrrol System The Trim Tab Coorrols Trim Tab lvlai atenaoce t6 97...

Page 9: ...t8 t l4 t8 I r5 r8 r l5 t9 r 16 r9 r l6 l9 l l6 l9 l l7 t9 r r7 t9 t l8 r9 r r9 l9 t 20 l9 l l0 t9 t22 r9 r23 Seasooal Carc a fining out dme Loss of Gloss Srairs I Scnrches Abnsion s Painring Fibcrgl...

Page 10: ...Persoonel Safery Use Of Personal Flotation Dcvices Ring Buoy Radios As Einergeocy Equipment Visual Distrcss Signals Calling Ar Porrs Away From Home tJaving YourBenram r9 t25 t9 t27 t9 121 t 9 t28 t9...

Page 11: ...randards It is factory tested ard thoroughly inspec ted As durable as it is your Bertram will benefit from reasonable care A boat is a complex mechanism and it will require preventive and corrective m...

Page 12: ...n This will help you get service rapidly and etticiently Nlanufacturers need your warranry cards The user s manuals will help you to get 3 better understanding of the systems on your Benram and horv t...

Page 13: ...uired to carry ue furnished as sandard equipment on your vessel NOTE Lr S Coast Guard regulations state that it is the responsibiliry of the ves sel ovvner to be sure all required equipment is on boar...

Page 14: ol different sizes to be joined Aft Toward the stern After End The stern After Peak The eompanment funheslaft Aftermost Nearest the stern Aground Stuck fast to the bottom Ahead Fonvardt when the ve...

Page 15: substantially lower than the vessel s adjacent weather deck o o o C Page 5 Bertam Yach lnc Banen A srrrp or ood or meral used to se cure arpaulinrs t in place over a hatch Batten Dovvn To secure tb...

Page 16: ...l of t ive or more ner tons thar is ow ned by a United States citizen is used exclusivelv tor pleasure and has valid marine documenution issued by rhe U S Coasr Guard A documented 1 achr does nor show...

Page 17: ...ifference in porential produces an eleckon flow between them This resuls in gradual desruction of the less corros ion resistant meal carbage Kinds of tbod cargo and irainre nance wasre ashes or ctinke...

Page 18: ...of the equaror measured in degrees miiutes and seconds Lazarette Storage compantnent cur inro rhe deck at the srern Leadline A seiehred lrne used ro take deprh measuremenLs Lee The direction away fro...

Page 19: ...reducing drag Port The left side o a vessel looking for ward Port B eam The leti cenrer of a vessel Port Bow The tbrward lettareaof the vessel Port Ouarter The leti rear area of the vesse _ Pounding...

Page 20: ...tich warer drains i e the shower sump or englne room sump Sump Pump A pump inended to remove rhe water collected in a sump Superstructure Structures exrending above the weather deck Tide The alternate...

Page 21: ...of water Weather Deck A deck with no overhead pro tection Web Frame A frame with a deep web usu ally a main strengrh member Wet E xtaust An exhaust system where coo ing seawater is mixed wirh exhaust...

Page 22: ...owing Sea Waves moving in the same general direction as your vessel Frequency The number of crests passing a fixed point in a given time Period The rime it takes tbr r o successive crests ro pass a t...

Page 23: ...tem peratures drop and skies are clear Warm Front A tront produced when a warm low pressure air mass meets and rides up and over a colder hieh pressure mass As with a cold tronr clouds and rain will...

Page 24: ...temperature Low The absence of an air mass and the warmer moist rising air generally means clouds precipiation and stormy weather Hurricanes are examples of extremely con centrated lorv pressure syst...

Page 25: ...rtram 36 Mo O3 Technical Data 3 1 Vessel Specifications MODEL 366 N IOPPIE BOAT NAME o __ HAILING PORT HuU Number Door Key Number Registration Number o 3660 Beruam Yacht lnc Page 15 O WNER S ADDRESS h...

Page 26: ...pprox 3 2 Main Engines and Transmissions Engine Manufacturer Gear Manu Engine Model Gear Model Gear Ratio Gear Oil Filter Element Number Fuel Filter Primary Filter Element Fuel Filter Secondary Elemen...

Page 27: ...Model Numbe r C C A RES CAP Prtch l I o Coupling Berram Pdn Number NOTE The propeller specifications are correct for the boat as it is deliveredfrom the Beftram Yacht facton in Miami Fl Changes made...

Page 28: ...odel Serial Nr Capacity KW Voluge a c Phase a T Frequency Hz Fuel Filter Primary Element Number Fuel Filter Secondary Element Number Lube orl Filter NOTE The generator d c cranking circuit is connecte...

Page 29: ...n each head ENGINE COMPARTMENT Two 2 250 CFM l v d c with manual switch B ilge Pumps I 750 Gallons per Hour Engine Room Sump PumP 800 GPH Gray Water Sump Purnp 800 GPH GAUGE READING FORWARDTANK AFI TA...

Page 30: ...hould check and write down the location of each piece of equipment on this list plus the ones that you may have added Example fumps Pump Floats Fwd bilge 4 O 2 Fue System Fuel Tank Fuel tanks Fuel Lin...

Page 31: ...Shornier Sump System Shower sump tank Pump Float Pump circuit breaker f 4 O 5 Bilge Pump System Pumps Pump Floats Fwd bilge Aft bilge Switches Midship bilge Fwd bitge o o Midship bilge Aft bilge Engin...

Page 32: ...Panel Control board Black water holding tank sender The system includes the fixed extinguisher bottle manual discharge T handle conrol head and auto shutdown box Portable firc salinguisher bottles are...

Page 33: ...ther 4 0 11 Batteries Pon Stbd Pon engine seawater strainet Stbd engine seawater seacock Stbd engine seawater strainer Generator seawater seacock I o o a Page 23 Bertam Yacht lnc Equip 36 4 O 10 Toile...

Page 34: ...rticular attention to the main engine and generator exhaust emissions from the nearby vessels since a lethal concentration of carbon monoxide could be drawn into your vessel from the ouside by your ve...

Page 35: ...ache I r nausea and or cberry pink or red skin color YOU SHOTJLD TMMEDIATELY Move everyone on board out on deck in the fresh air open all hatches windows and vents to air out your veisel sh down the e...

Page 36: ...lectric wiring Unfortunately on board fires do occur Boating safety statistics show that unless the fre is put out in the fint 5 to 10 minutes 80 of all pleasure craft that catch on fire are desroyed...

Page 37: ...s sensitive only to a fixed high temperature setting The system will activate any time that the engine room temperature exceeds the thermal disc temperature whether or not there is a fire Operation If...

Page 38: ...rtment are fought with hand held ertinguishers This system uses agent FE 24 I Chlorotetrafluoroethane Its use is confined to a normally unoccupied area such as an engine room Inhalation of high concen...

Page 39: ...cockp it by pulling the fire system T handle pin and then pulling the handle o Depending on the rate of temperature ise the time between the Fire Monitor System alarm and the FE 241 fixed system alar...

Page 40: ...ted metal or fuel to cool off before opening the engine ioom If you hear the Extinguisher Discharged horn the Fire System has dis charged check the discharged light Take these steps immediately Unless...

Page 41: ...Manual Ovbrridel switch to allow switching on the blowers a c generaror and main eng ines I Ventilate the engine room to remove any burned FE 241 which is toxic Have the proper type of United States...

Page 42: ...guishing agents on electrical fires due to the potential danger of electric shock to the fire fighter and the possibility of short circuiting the electrical circufu and causing more fires 1 For fires...

Page 43: ...s as per the maintenance instructions on the exting isher i nameplate This firm should attach a tag ro the exringuisher showing the date oieach mainEnance check After Using a Fire Extinguisher After a...

Page 44: ...sed vessel fire fighting plan is probably the next single nrost important step toward organizing the fire fighting effors of the vessel opefutor rhe crew memben and guests Such organization can titera...

Page 45: ...lan should include The location of the PFDs life vess and how to don them the location and operation of any other emergency flotation equipment such as a life raft the speedy operation of the forward...

Page 46: ...dnd the stateroom I f some of the main electrical distribution functions the entertainment center functions the galley appliances the a c climate control functions and manual discharge of the fixed fi...

Page 47: ...pull back to reduce speed The farthest aft position is the TDLE position 7 3 3 Forward NeutraliReverse Transmission Contro The twin clutch control levers port of the helm have a detent to let you feel...

Page 48: the direction of the spin Docking parallel to a dock or pier is a good place to use your Bertram s slow speed maneuverability Approach the dock at minimum maneuvering speed at a 30o angle and if p...

Page 49: ...lly involve reversing either transmission You should be aware that there is a practical limit to how far over you can put a rudder after which it becomes just a drag on your vessel this is why your Be...

Page 50: ...ise Reduction Ratio of at least 20 dB Despite the high quality materials in your engrnes and propulsion system plus the proven ruggedness of their design ultimately the propulsion system performance a...

Page 51: ...numbers are stamped on the engine The engine lubricating oil fitls and dip sticks are on the inboard side of each engine All the information you need to operate and to perform routine maintenance on...

Page 52: ...dure NOTES At this time it is most important to be sure that the engine cooling seawa ter intake seacocl s are fulty open and the engine cooltng seawater strainers are not clogged Set both Main Batter...

Page 53: ...ll engine alarm lights should now be extinguished o a Repeat the steps for the other engine caurroru A few seconds after each engine is runnirg visually check the stream of water from its transom exha...

Page 54: ...r s Operator s Manua l This manual is supplied as a part of this vessel s documentation package and the sections having to do with the engine operating instructions lubrication requirements and preven...

Page 55: feed battery power to the Main Supply DC Distribution Panels Set the pon and starboard ENGINE circuit breaker switches to oN Set the clurch controls in the NEUTRAL position o o Advance the throttle...

Page 56: check the stream of water from its ransom exhaust outlet This stream of mixed water and exhaust gases indicates the seawater cooling system is operating If the stream is not there shut that engine...

Page 57: ...ings are open and do not spill any fuel into fie bilge when opening the fuel filter or any fuel htting 6 drain off any static electric charges that may have built up in the fuel fining hose Do this by...

Page 58: ...ssel met or exceeded applicabte standards included in the Federal Boating Safery Act of 1971 Title 33 Sub chapter S Pan 183 Subparu I electrical Systems J uel Systems and K Ventilation 8 8 1 lgnition...

Page 59: ...rto meet ignition protection standards Installation You must also be sure the entire installation as well as any modification made in these designated areas maintains the ignition protec tion integrit...

Page 60: the bilge it is a violaion to pump it overboard in U S territoial waters Each Diesel fuel separator assembly has a drain plug at the bottom to allow removal of collected water You should visually i...

Page 61: blends with diesel fuel creates both an explosion and a fire hazard 1 Never use galvaniied steel littings in any Diesel fuel system Diesel oil reacts chemically with the zinc coating to form a pori...

Page 62: ...ter cleaning and service instructions o NOTE For best results and to avoid damage to your Airsep Air Filter and Vac uum Limiter Filter Assembty rce ozf rle Walker Cleaning and Re oiling Kit The kit mo...

Page 63: ...essure water Tap water is OK Always flush from the clean side to the diny side This will remove the panicles and din and not drive it into the filter Drying the Filter Always dry the filter element na...

Page 64: environment The Vacuurn Limiter must be cleaned every 250 hours as described below Inaddition to the forgoing the Filter Element and Vacuum Limiter must be cleaned at any time the resEiction gauge...

Page 65: ...ocks and the seawater strainers to the pump The cooling seawater then is pumped through the heat exchanger and from there into the engine exhaust outlet riser where it is mixed with the exhaust gases...

Page 66: protect these aluminum components from conosion Today most auomobile antifreezes have three to eight times as much silicate as they did several yean ago This includes atrtifreezes to be used in he...

Page 67: ...gine manual for the htest informatton on the above subiect 8 12 3 Seawater lnlet System The Engine and Generator Cooling Intake and Exhaust the water inlet system consists of the below rhe waterline i...

Page 68: ...transmission control leven mounted on the main control station console 8 14 2 Operation Operational information and maintenance procedures are in the manufac turer s manual Shifting to forward or rev...

Page 69: ...anges due to underwater gear repain AJ6 2 Parallel or Bore Misalignment The first procedure is the parallel or bore alignment In this case a misalign ment occurs when the centerline of the ransmission...

Page 70: ...ay or two before making the final alignment adjustmens Remove all of the bolts in the coupling flanges at the end of the marine gear Slide the shaft aft until the flanges are about 1 4 ofan inch apart...

Page 71: ...sel s propulsion system With the engine output converted to vessel movement at this point mating the shaft to the propeller must be done properly to provide manimum shaft and propeller life If you mus...

Page 72: ...forward end of the hub touchrng the pencil line Use a feeler gauge to check for 0 006 and 0 010 inch clearance between the top of the key and the bottom of the keyway in the propeller hub Remove the p...

Page 73: ...e propeller shaft To do this you must frst loosen and remove e bolts that fasten the coupling to the transmission flange and push the shaft aft until you have room to work AJ8 2 Co upling Removat To r...

Page 74: not fit carefully file the coupling keyway using gentle and even file strokes along the whole keyway Place the coupling on the shaft without the key and seat the coupling on the shaft taper The fit...

Page 75: ...vibration 8 19 2 Stuffing Boxes c n urtor t Do Not over tighten the packing gland on the stuffing boxes If this gland is too tight the packing may become glazed and the shaft may be scored A slight dr...

Page 76: ...ayshield tighten the packing gland until the shaft will not tum to seat the packing relaunch the boat back the gland off until the shaft is free to turn and there is the slight drip necessary for prop...

Page 77: ...hen under way in particular check your gauges carefully when you flrst start your enghes and note what constirutes the normal readings or operational ranges of each of the gauges See the engine manual...

Page 78: ...fie cause of this change is determined o 8 23 3 D C Voltage Gauge There are two 2 dc gauges that allow you to monitor the voltage level in is banery bank Normal operating voltage is 125 14 1 volts for...

Page 79: ...lem you must immediately Throttle the engine back to idle speed shift the engine into NEUTRAL and Shurdown rhat engine Each engine and transmission has a monitor system consisting of a horn and indica...

Page 80: ...e exhaust temperature the engine monitors are silenced by rurning the engines OFF The exhaust temperature can be silenced by the O aERRIDE switch on the helm panel The engine performance monitors horn...

Page 81: ...engine has cooled downl c Gear Oil Temperature If the monitor sounds and the GEAR TEMP light illuminates indicating a gear box overheat problem check the following Low transmission fluid Clutch slippi...

Page 82: ...board a c generator via the d c converter or the main engines d c alternators Except for the momentary paralleting of the battery banks for starting the mah engines or the a c generator the two batte...

Page 83: ...e that are already in any of your vessel s circuits 9 5 Battery Disconnect Switches c e urtoH Battery switches are designed for use under normal operating conditions If this switch opens the dc circui...

Page 84: ...vided that the a c shoreline is plugged in the convener keeps the baneries charged during those periods when your vessel is unattended Also power to operate the bilge pumps and fire and bilge flood mo...

Page 85: ...H2 electrical system disregard the references to l20V 60H2 and GI C L milliampere ratings c a urto N To avoid rri1 6vs1t6lding and tripping t6s mein circuit breakers do not exceed the current draw oft...

Page 86: ...ided by the generator manufacturer for complete operation and mai ntenance of the unit 1O 1 2 Shore Pornrer Polarity Lights The panel has normal and reverse shore system polarity lighs A u o polarityc...

Page 87: ...after several tries its waterlift mufller may filled rvith water To keep seawater out ofthe generator exhaust manifold use the drain plug to empty the mulller lYhen starting your generator do not exce...

Page 88: ...orvn Your generator has an automatic shutdown system that stops that Diesel engine before any of the following faults cause damage to your generators Low Oil Pressure and or High Water Temperature 1O...

Page 89: ...t exceed 30 Amperes current draw 1O 4 Circuit Protection cAUTION Do not replace existing circuit breakers or fuses with breakers or fuses having higher trip values than the original Such modilication...

Page 90: ...20V ac receptacles 10 5 2 GFCI Outlet OPeration For all practical purposes each CFCI outlet is a standard double l20V ac outler except hat if the GFCI outlet senses 6 or more milliamperes of ground fa...

Page 91: ...ed with 220V 50H2 o 1O 7 Automatic Converters The on board ac to dc converter changes the a c input power into d c ouput power which wilt charge the appropriate battery bank The convener is fully iuto...

Page 92: ...rounding system This in effect eleitrically connects yourvessel s underwater metal fittings onding system to the shore ac grounding system and to other vessels which are connectEd to the shore groundi...

Page 93: ...It is very imponant that you read and understand the Cruisair SMX man ual before you attempt to stan or operate your vessel s air conditioning units How to set alt of the SMX controls is fully erplain...

Page 94: ...120 V AC bistribution Panel To operate your air conditioning you must frst decide if you are going to use shore power or your onboard generator and set the SHORE OFFISIilP selector switch to lhe powe...

Page 95: ...erely damage the toilet system NOTES Federal law prohibits the discharge of improperty treated sewaSe tnto the territoial waers of the United Staes Additionalty some areas may be declared NO D ISCHARG...

Page 96: ...hrough a discharge seacock The toilet head in your Benram is a corrylete Marine Saaitation Device M S D and complies in all respects with the U S Coast Guard regulations and standards The term M S D m...

Page 97: ...intake and discharge seacocks a NOTE If both the overboard and holding tank seacocl s are closed at the same time while the toilet is operating damage to the system can resuLt For your marine toilet s...

Page 98: ...ll If operation of the system b continued after the tank is full the tank and or the assoct ated ptumbing coul d burst open into the bilge because of the pressure ercrted on the system by the toilet d...

Page 99: ...sists of o a waer PumP with expension tank to reduce water klock and pressue switch ald a water tank 13 2 Fresh Water Tank The fresh water tank is located under the salon sole The ta ok is frlled thro...

Page 100: rurns ON and raises the pressure If the pressure continues to drop because of no electricity or a dry water tank the low pressure cutout dry tank switch will shut the pump off o T open one faucet t...

Page 101: ...ater above the height of the electric heating element The automatic water heater is located below the companionway steps The electric thermostat on this heater is preset by the manufacturer at l40o to...

Page 102: should be disconnected The dockside quick isconnect fresh water hose connectioD is located in the cockpit This is a convenient feature which allows you to use available fresh water from dockside to...

Page 103: ...te into or upon the navigable waters and contiguous zone of the United States If such a discharge causes a tilm or sheen upon or a discoloration of the surtace of the water or causes a sludge or emuls...

Page 104: ...s through fuses located on the D C DISTRI BUTION panel and wilt function even with the battery disconnect switches in OFF The bilge pump control is wired so that the flybridge control panel switches c...

Page 105: ...fresh air is taken i n through the hullside vents and is ducted down to the engine compartment From there the heated air is vented to the hullside exhaust vens To supplement the engine compartment na...

Page 106: ...nd the other set midway from the forward edge to the hinge Both ses of locking dogs are operated from inside the forward stateroom and bodt sets can be locked shut o secrtre this hatch The second pair...

Page 107: of fsh the fsh boxes the bait wells and the cockpit area while at sea both easier and neater as well as aerating the optional live baitwell s and or washing off the anchor The Seawater Supply and...

Page 108: ...ed tlie optional pulpit a windlass either with or without the wildcat feature becomes yet another possible option A windlass is intend d only to lift up your anchor it is not built or intended to be a...

Page 109: ...s used to pull anchor chain is driven by a friction sysem and is not keyed to the main shaft Do not aUow anyone to use the swimming platform while the engines are operating The spinning propellers wil...

Page 110: ...uired navigation lighs consiss of a red for port and a green for starboard sidelights a white masthead bow light and a white stern light or if you are not docked nor anchored in a recognized anchorage...

Page 111: ...stem pressure gauge NOTE The technical specifications for your steeing system are sumnwrized in the steeing system specifications manual When you turn the helm steering wheel the axial piston pump pum...

Page 112: ...ab Contols w e nrutNa Before running an inlet or if before a following sea move trim tabs to full up to reduce the risk of broaching or pitchpoling NOTES Do not depress one switch BOW DOWN and the oth...

Page 113: ...electrical panel The two trim tabs one on each side of the hull at the transom can adjust your Bertram s underway trim in almost the same way that flaps help an aircraft maintain the proper flight ani...

Page 114: adjust yourvessel s trim to a smoother riding more fuel efficient ngle While underway you may find that your vessel lists to pon or starboard This is uiually due to the improper loadiqg of gear and...

Page 115: ...battery cells Excessive liquid will cause acid to spill out the vents when the battery is charging which causes corrosion at the terminals and the battery cables 2 Never add acid to battery Inspect e...

Page 116: ...on to avoid having wrenches or other tools contact both terminals If battery acid is spilted the foltowing immediate actions are required to check or eliminate its damaging effects Acid splashed in th...

Page 117: ...losive and fire hazards Use only high quality Diesel fuel that meets the engine manufacturer s specifications See their manual for details Small amouns of isopropyl alcohol isopropanol may be used to...

Page 118: ...Bertram are included with this manual 17 6 Cockpit Hatch Dog Adjustrnent Hatch dogs on the cockpit hatches require adjustment to eliminate seepage To avoid over compressing the gaskets these dogs sho...

Page 119: ...e Acrylic plastics are much tougher than glass and are resistant to stains sea spray and sunlight However they are readily scratched by hard objeca grit or abrasives such as scouring powders and they...

Page 120: ...s Formula 407 or Fanrastic in water using a soft sponge or a soft all cotton cloth 17 8 Oil or Fuel Soaked Rags Wipes w nn rurrue Oily or Fuel soaked rags and wipes may be subject to spontaneous combu...

Page 121: ...m Benram does not connect fittings and d c equipment to the grounding system unless the items benefit from the connection o GENMN 36 Berram YachL lnc Page 111 If your vessel is idle for extended perio...

Page 122: ...rubbing and waring ac tion in one These products are acceptable b Fiberglassrepairsmoreextensivethanthosedescribedhereshoul dbe ioA orty with the help and advice of your Bertram dealer 1A 2 1 Loss of...

Page 123: ...ged area first with mineral spirits or turpentine to remove dirt and wax then follow with a detergent and rinse and allow to dry completely Secure a small amount of pigmented gel coat resin whose colo...

Page 124: ...nd it lightly with garnet fine oxide wet and dry or 220 sandpaper Wipe the surface clean of all dust Apply two thin coats of primer following the directions of the marine paint manufacturer Apply the...

Page 125: ...sure that the lower portion of the cytinder where the ram comes out of the cylinder has been fully protected 18 5 Bottom Blisters Regardless of the quality of the materials used and of the care taken...

Page 126: ...ard should be properly stored while cruising and you should be aware that all of the personal equipment and accesso ries piaced on board witl tend to decrease her speed as will adding weight in rhi fo...

Page 127: ...ency Your Bertram has cockpit scuppers that prevent water from accumulating in the cockpit by allowing it to flow overboard The bilge is kept dry by a sump pump and three bilge pumps equipped with sen...

Page 128: ...upplied with this manual to find your vessel s maximum draft at the transom Record this dimension where it will be readily available for instance on your compass deviation card t Besides knowing your...

Page 129: ...laced on or near the instrument panel compass deviation should be checked by a competent compass technician The magnetic compass can be the most important navigation insrument on a boat A compass is b...

Page 130: ...eld but the effect of this field can be modified by electrical and electr6nic equipment machinery other compasses and other nearby magnetic materiaisi When a compass is properly adjusted compensated t...

Page 131: ...varies with the heading of your vessel because as your vessel tums the position of the obiects thatiffect the compass change relative to magnetic north You must know and record deviation on the compas...

Page 132: ...ump operation 2 Check lubrication oil levels a PORT Engine b PORT Transmission _ c Generator d STBD Engine _ e STBD Transmission _ 3t Check coolant levels _ a PORT Engine _ b Generator _ c STBD Engine...

Page 133: ...lge Flood _ 20 Test the Fire Extinguisher System Monitor w e n r rtruc The height and weight of a fishing tower also called a tuna or marlin tower and that of any occupant s add significantly to your...

Page 134: ...from your vessel by climbing out of or down into a dinghY oRNTNG lYhen underway to reduce the chances of someone fllling overboard do not let anyone Move to or from the foredeck along the outside of t...

Page 135: ...of the Road to Slow Down f you are navigating in waters marked on your charts as falling under the Inland rules you are required to slow to a Moderate Speed in accordance with the Inland Rules Under...

Page 136: ...ather reports if possible have one person assigned to monitor the marine weather channel s 9 Any time there is reduced visibility post at least one lookout whose sole responsibility it is to watch tbr...

Page 137: ...ahead and behind for additional flotsam to try to determine if it is safer to proceed or to try to back out of the danger area Then leave the area at the slowest possible speed To more accurately and...

Page 138: ...turned broadside to the shore or the shoal by the waves Broaching is dangerous for two reasons First broaching continually drives a grounded vessel harder aground Second currents are set up around a...

Page 139: ...g fails or the line parts the ends can snap back with sufficient force to injure 19 19 1 General Should you either run aground and refloat or strike a piece of flotsam before you accelerate to cruisin...

Page 140: ...ially PFDs maybe Type I II or III If this vessel is to be used commercially and will be carrying 6 or fewer passengers for hire charter boat operation the PFDs must be Type I For this vessel Bertram f...

Page 141: ...ection you should know that for purposes of satisfying the tegal requiremens the U S Coast Guard does not consider as Readily availabte iny PFDs found Ieft in their original plastic wrappers since per...

Page 142: ...en ever you are operattng in U S waters and on the high seas lf you choose to carry pyrotechnic signaling devices it is your responsibility o nrur that they have not exceeded their expiration date 42...

Page 143: ...are well secured with adequate allowance for the tide Fenders and spring lines should be set Automatic bilge pumps should be left on the AUTO position If for any re tson your vessel is taking on water...

Page 144: ...s always the possibility that design changes by Benram Yacht or additions to the boat caused by special requests of the buyer may not be reflected in the following material o a DIAG 36 Bertam Yacht ln...

Page 145: ...Heiglt How to measue draft l9 l 18 Recordiry height l9 l 18 E Engircs A inep filten for diesels 8 52 Controls maneuvering 7 36 Diesel engine cooling 843 Diesel engirrc operation 842 Gasolire engine c...

Page 146: ...59 lnstallation 8 1 Specifications 3 17 Vibratioo l9 129 Pumps Bilge pumP location 14 94 Bilge pump operation Maincnalce l 94 Bilge pumps location 4 21 Gereral 14 93 Seawater Washdown I 697 Shower sum...

Page 147: ...rl L__ I r I I L l V v rNGEoV c D0r1356 r r tl D r073e 3OA SHORE SYSTEII VITH AC 6INERATOR l _ eailrhi _ l fl ffi t rI I fl l rl r f I I I I I I l I I l 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 l I I I l i I t i https...

Page 148: ...zt L1t 0 rsc lo0 v 0 r rlxrd r T 1_I dolvdlNl lv u n Hlrsls ld0ES 90e I I L___ I l L I l t I I I L a t a l I t I L l r a I I il I https www boat manuals com...

Page 149: ...O 1 r I E I i I o z d E n 3 e 5 8 5 o tt L 4 a s c 3 3 8 l t I I 3 A d o E Li l I ri l r l I rl l l l 9 t ill r tt I l l l 11 L J i l it l 1 https www boat manuals com...

Page 150: ...1OI 0 9ec cca lr00 rv 02r rNl3r N I l u0lvdlNl v 0 n HlLSrs ldoHs voE I L il 1 o s o l I I I L I I a o a i I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I D s sre J _ I I I I L l fi l j I https www boat manuals com...

Page 151: ...IE r N o IA r O r J z o ty o CD c Q o O 6 c a E 9 o 5 iei E a 5 U I L I I I l q i 4aa Eu e i F I i l sr l _l l a i9 i l l I l o a Bl l A u1 o oo z F 1 tv tv z t U1 t o ll l l i l l llllr I I l I i 1 h...

Page 152: ...a E t E l litt Y t li lE I I I I a l ls t B 4 r n z I z K Lrjr 6 r s ft a I f t t 1 q U VJ l a u I 1 I I L il ll flT ll 3ll 11 Fi b i i_ a l g e gr 4 _ _ I lli r r r r lll Flill 2 https www boat manua...

Page 153: ...a 6q 8 v o F 2 o lf F o F q I z z o d C f o z ci o o o i o T oa o pi8 g 3iP J L t aa i3 1 l 2 e 5 qr i t i g ___l o o o l l I I I I I I 3l l IA5A6A6 i l1 I I I I 3e a I I 1 l q I L r I I tlq a I http...

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