Bertec Vision Advantage
Quick Start Guide
Clinical Instructions
1. While performing the assessment, the patient should only focus on the center of the circle and provide a response to the
question ”Which direction was the E pointing?”.
2. Mark the patient’s response Up, Down, Left, or Right with remote buttons 1, 2, 3, or 4 respectively.
If the patient does not know the direction, the trial should be marked ‘I don’t know’ with the left arrow on the remote.
The patient should be instructed not to guess.
3. The patient’s head velocity can be adjusted using the feedback area in the bottom-right corner of the patient screen.
4. The colored rings in the target area can also be used.The rings are velocity feedback indicators.
Black indicates a head velocity that is too slow, white is too fast, and grey is within an acceptable range.
Too Slow
Too Fast