Matching Pots & Pans with Elements, etc.
Small elements,16 cm (6 1/2”), are best utilized:
- With small cookware - but normally not smaller then 10 cm (4”);
- For slow cooking and simmering (sauces, creams, etc.);
- For cooking small quantities of food.
Medium elements, 22 cm (9”), are primarily designed for day-to-day cooking needs and most commonly
used pans -18 to 25 cm (7 to 9 1/2”) in diameter.
Large 28 cm (11”) element is designed to adapt to any pot/pan from 12 to 32 cm (5 to 13”) in diameter and to
automatically adjust the power.
This feature enables:
-Optimal power output for the size of the pot/pan.
-Even heat distribution and homogenous cooking temperature throughout the pot/pan.
The larger heating element is best used for cooking large portions of food, or large pieces of fish (e.g.sole),
or meat (steaks), as well as a good quantity of small pieces of food (fillets, tournedos, bits of breaded fish,
etc.) Using this element, the food will be cooked evenly.
When cooking large quantities of food, it is always better to use a large diameter pot/pan covering
the element. Thus, better and more efficient heat distribution will be achieved and food will be
cooked evenly.
When using a large pot/pan on the center element, the best results will be obtained if the pan covers
the whole circumference of this burner. If the cookware only covers a portion of the outer element -
this element consists of two concentric coils/elements - then the performance of the element will not
be as efficient and impressive.