Step 4: Connect Battery
The battery included with your Bernini Fountain comes pre-charged, so
you do not have to charge the battery before you use your fountain for
the first time!
Plug the cord labelled with a red sleeve into
the receptacle on the battery labelled with a
red circle.
The plug the cord labelled with a green
sleeve into the receptacle on the battery
labelled with a green circle.
With both cables plugged into the battery,
place the battery inside its compartment.
Now close the compartment door by
attaching and sliding the compartment door
to the left.
When the battery compartment door is
closed you may notice a small opening in
the side of the compartment door.
This is required to connect your battery to
the optional solar power unit for your Bernini
Before connecting the battery to your
fountain, insert the water-tight plug attached
to the battery into the receptacle labelled
with a black circle.