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           Mayhew Chat
Swivel Chair Assembly Guide

Tools Required

Hardware Included

Cordless Drill

#2 Square Drive

   Bit (Included)

5/32" Allen Drive
    Bit (Included)

Bottom View of Seat

Back of Seat

Front of Seat 

Narrower Space between
seat support and end of seat.

Wider Space between
seat support and end of seat.

Side View of Seat

Back of Seat

Front of Seat

Put one of the side
assemblies on a soft
surface and place the
seat onto it by fitting the
mortis and tenons of the
two pieces togther. Use
the examples above to
ensure the front and back
of the seat are correctly

Use the 5/32 Allen Drive Bit to drive
2 - 1/4" x 1 1/2" Lags through the
pre-drilled holes in the side of the
seat where indicated above. You may
need to reverse your drill several times
before you are able to drive the lags
in completely. Using the #2 Square Drive
Bit, finish fastening the seat by driving
4 - 2" Pandeck Screws into the pocket
holes located in the very front and back
cross pieces of the seat.

   4 - 1/4"

Flange Nuts

1 - Swivel Mechanism

  4 - 1/4" X 3/4"
Allen Head Bolts

1 - Aluminum Seat Frame

 4 - 1/4" X 1 1/2"

Allen Head Lags

 4 - 1/4" X 1 3/4"
Allen Head Lags

          4 - 1"


Allen Wrench


Counter Height

Bar Height

XT Height

2B Detail


2A Detail


Step 1

Step 2

1/4" x 1 1/2" Lag

2" Pandeck Screws

Please see the "Aluminum Seat Frame
Assembly Guide" for this step.
