Pasta maker Use instructions
The machine is equipped with an accessory to make ravioli.
a + b) Choose dumpling wrapper discs thickness 0.8mm or 1.2mm, spread a thin layer of dough on
a shelf and cut out the shape of the ravioli with the accessory.
c) Place the paste form that is obtained directly on the accessory and fill with desired filling.
d) close the accessory matching the sides, lightly press.
e) remove the ravioli ready
Disassemble all the parts, keep aside to be dry in the open air.
Use the cleaning scraper to clean the mixing bowl after it’s dry.
Use the cleaning scraper to clean the mixing axle after it’s dry.
Use the cleaning scraper needles to clean the extruding discs after
it’s dry.
Do not clean all the parts immediately after using, put
aside in the
open air or in refrigerator around 2 hours, then it will be much easier
to clean with cleaning scraper.