Mini Chopper Use instructions
Before using the appliance for the first time, wash the bowl, lid, and cutter, rinse and wipe carefully.
Warm food need to be cool down and not exceed 60°C.
Suggestions :
Remove bones, skin and nerves
Remove ribs and skin
Onion, garlic
Remove skin
Remove skin and pits
Large food should be cut into 2/3cm pieces.
To not damage the cutter, do not cut or grind hard food like frozen food, ice, cereal, rice, spices or
coffee beans.
1.Put the bowl onto the main body, turn it clockwise until it is tight.
2.Put the blade onto the driven axle.
3.Put the ingredient into the bowl.
4.Put cover onto the bowl, when it has been turned in the direction of the “lock” symbol as far as
possible (“click”), the appliance could run.
5.Switch the appliance by pushing the switch button with left hand. The processing will be finished
within 30-40 seconds.
The electric food chopper will prepare:
hard foods:
Almond, walnuts, tropical fruits, apples, etc
Cheese, etc
carotts, celery, etc
soft foods:
cabbage, salad, onion, mushrooms, sorrel, shallots
all kinds of row and cooked meat, even wild meat
raw and cooked fish, as cod, anchovy, prawn
Avoid processing hard foods like nutmeg, sugar, nor juicy food like tomatoes, pears, peaches; nor
ingredients which need to be finely ground such as coffee beans or wheat.
Nevers place any liquids or juicy food into the chopping container.