General comments
Consult the full user manual on https://beniferro.eu/solar-heating/epdm-solar-heating-kit/:
Strickly follow all safety measures described in this quick start manual and in the full user
When opening the box, take care not to cut into the EPDM solar heating.
The box will contain :
3 pre-assembled EPDM heaters (length 2,3,4,5 or 6 meter) fittere with a collector at each end.
6 O-rings
10 ty-rips
2 conectors 50-38-32 mm
2 closed collector ends
Put the 3 heating mats next to each other. Put the O-ring around each collector end and around
the 2 closed collector ends.
Click the collectors into each other, and put the ty-rips through the collector
Cut the conectors 50-38-38 to the desired size using a metal saw. In case of 50mm cut the
conector at the spot indicated on the right drawing.
Put the EPDM collectors at the desired place. This can be a roof, the floor etc … . Make sure no
sharp objects can pierce the collectors. Fix the collectors to the underground using webbing
strap or special silicones all available from your dealer.
When placing the mats on a roof, take all necessary safety precautions to work safely.