Fokker
Dr.I
35”
Page
Copyright©
‐
M.K.
Bengtson
All
Rights
Reserved
Rev
04/13
Dry
Fit
Model
Wings
The
bottom
wing
is
attached
to
the
fuselage
through
two
spars
connecting
the
two
halves
of
the
bottom
wing.
The
bottom
wing
should
be
attached
first,
making
sure
it
is
aligned
properly
with
the
fuselage.
The
spars
are
designed
to
epoxy
into
the
slots
in
the
ply
sides.
Then
add
the
strut
to
the
middle
wing
(It
has
a
top
indicated
by
a
mark)
and
epoxy
the
middle
wing
to
the
ply
sides
using
the
spars
and
slots
as
a
guide.
Epoxy
the
bottom
of
the
strut
into
the
bottom
wing.
At
this
point,
the
top
wing
can
be
added.
The
strut
aids
in
alignment
of
the
top
wing.
Again
use
epoxy
to
attach
the
top
wing
to
the
strut.
The
music
wire
portion
of
the
cabane
struts
are
attached
to
the
laser
cut
plywood
parts.
The
rear
cabane
wire
halves
are
inserted
into
3/32
ʺ
dia.
Brass
tubing
that
is
lashed
and
epoxied
to
a
1/8x1/4
ʺ
bass
or
spruce
cross
member
which
is
epoxied
into
in
a
pre
‐
cut
notch
the
ply
risers.
The
cabane
wires
are
to
be
lashed
to
the
hardened
1/8
ʺ
ply
cabane
struts
and
ʹ
ed
in
place.
is
used
to
fix
the
wires
in
place
inside
the
brass
tubing.
Kevlar
thread
or
fishing
line
is
preferred
for
this
process.
The
front
and
rear
music
wire
sections
meet
at
the
top
of
the
cabane
structure.
This
portion
of
the
cabane
strut
attaches
to
the
top
wing.
The
music
wires
can
be
attached
either
by
overlapping
them
and
lashing
with
thread
or
have
them
meet
inside
a
short
section
of
3/32”
brass
tubing.
The
top
of
the
fuselage
between
the
middle
wings
can
be
finished
in
several
ways:
1)
Fashion
1/16th
sheeting
to
cover
most
of
the
area
using
the
top
of
the
ply
risers
as
a
guide.
Fill
in
gaps
with
balsa
filler.
2)
Use
1/4
ʺ
balsa
and
sand
to
shape.
3)
Cover
with
card
stock.
4)
Fill
with
blue
foam.
The
top
wing
is
then
epoxied
onto
the
cabane
assembly.
However,
the
wing
addition
process
should
be
done
last.
Fitting
Tail
Surfaces
Attach
the
elevator
to
the
horizontal
stabilizer.
The
horizontal
stabilizer
and
elevator
are
glued
onto
the
fuselage
first
and
then
the
rudder.
The
rudder
should
be
securely
attached
to
the
fuselage,
as
the
area
is
relatively
small.
Adding
Control
Horns
On
the
Pushrod
Ends
Slip
the
control
horns
onto
the
wire
pushrod
ends
and,
with
both
the
servos
and
the
control
surfaces
centered,
glue
the
horns
into
their
slots.
Some
prefer
to
delay
adding
the
rudder
until
the
elevator
control
horn
is
secure.
Then
add
the
rudder
and
it
ʹ
s
control
horn.
It
makes
the
job
a
bit
easier.
Fitting
the
Rigging
Wires
Use
strong
thread
or
Kevlar
fishing
line
or
elastic
beading
cording
to
simulate
rigging
wires.
Use
small
screws,
fishing
hook
eyes,
straight
pinheads
or
small
eyelets
to
attach
the
lines.
These
“wires”
can
add
a
degree
of
strength
to
your
model.
Battery
hatch
Fashion
a
battery
hatch
from
1/32”
plywood.
Balancing
the
Model
Balance
the
model
at
the
point
shown.
It
is
best
to
position
the
battery
to
do
this
operation.