Be repaired by authorized dealers: with qualified tools and inspection materials provided by the owner; by
persons with mechanical repair certification; required to be followed the maintenance manual for self-inspection.
Examination and repair are suggested to be taken by authorized dealers for the sake of safety, in cases of these
1. Make more inspections for driving in dusty areas.
2. Repeat the shown regular inspection, if the odometer reading exceeds the fixed value.
3. Take more maintenance to keep good performance for frequent driving in heavy conditions as rugged roads.
Check the oil level before starting the engine.
Put the vehicle on side stand. Pull the handle bar and
let the bike stand vertical to the flat ground. Check if the oil
level is between the maximumand minimum level. If not, fill
the qualified engine oil to the proper amount.
Oil Change & Oil Filter Replacing
1. Take down the oil filter with the special tool and oil drain
bolt before oil draining.
2. Replace the oil filter with a new one if needed.