4. Disconnect all lines and the control cable from the lever
5. Remove the valve from the vehicle.
1. Install all line fittings and plugs making certain thread
sealing material, if used, does not enter the valve.
2. Install the valve on the vehicle.
3. Reconnect all lines to the valve using the identification
made during VALVE REMOVAL (step 3). Reconnect the
control cable to the lever cam.
4. After installing the valve, test all fittings for excessive
leakage and tighten as needed.
5. Perform operational and leakage inspections prior to
returning the vehicle to service. In the case of a hydraulic
brake system consult the vehicle manual for proper
procedures to be followed.
BW2578 © 2006 Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems LLC. 6/2006 Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved.