6. Function
6.1 GSD file for the PROFIBUS DP Master
A PROFIBUS DP Master requires the device data base (GSD) of its slave components connected to the
respective automation engineering system. Hence, the GSD file
must be installed
on the Master. This file describes the characteristics of the FTC470XDP in a standardized format.
1. Select the target directory the GSD file is to be copied to. The exact target location is indicated
in the documentation of that software program you intend to program the PROFIBUS DP Mas-
ter with.
2. Additionally, copy the
file to the directory set up for the device master data.
6.2 Function lists
The following tables describe the bus communication from the PROFIBUS Master is point of view.
Possible answers from the protocol converter FTC470XDP to the Master is request are listed in the
table below. The following data types are described:
Alarm messages
Operating messages
Measuring values
Requesting and setting parameters
Taking over the Master function
Control commands
The tables contain the following information in columns:
Addressable BMS devices
BMS channel (Byte 4)
BMS instruction code (Byte 5)
BMS data type (Byte 6)
BMS data value (Byte 7+8)
Detailed information about the byte sequences can be found in chapter "4.4.5 Format of output and
input data".
The columns of the table are hierarchical sorted according to
command, data type, data value