This allows you to turn OFF any frequency which you know to
be generating false alerts.
(Note: You can also turn off a frequency
if you know it is NOT used in your area of travel.)
For example, because other devices are shared with traffic
Radar (see Typical False Alerts, page 23), you may notice a
constant X band signal (9.9 GHz) alarming in a specific area
you know to be a false alert. By displaying the actual
frequency, you are then able to determine if you want to
turn that particular frequency OFF.
Tr a v e l
Mode has ALL 10 Radar frequencies engaged when
shipped from the factory. A flashing check mark and
horizontal line confirm frequency is ON; a flashing,
horizontal line confirms when frequency is OFF. Depending
upon the frequencies used in your area of travel, you can
turn any of the frequencies OFF.
Note: It is important to know what frequencies are used in your
area of travel. If you encounter excessive falsing on X, K or Ka
bands when operating your unit in Travel mode, you can engage
the City All (X, K, Super Wideband Ka) mode or turn the offending
Band or Bands off in Selectable Features. (see page 11). If excessive
falsing occurs specifically on Super Wideband Ka, select the specific
Ka Narrow frequency or frequencies used in your areas of travel.
International allows you to engage one, two or three
specific Ka narrow frequencies (33.8 GHz, 34.3 GHz, 34.7 GHz)
For information on frequencies used in Europe,
call 1-800-341-2288 (USA) or 1-800-268-3994 (CAN).
Note: Ku Band alerts are not supported with Digital Voice.
A unique audio tone confirms Ku band signal detection.
Selectable Features Travel Mode
The menu of Selectable Features while in
Tr a v e l
Mode is the
SAME as in
NAm e r i c a
mode with the following differences:
• 10
Radar frequencies appear which you can
turn ON or OFF, depending upon driving environment.